Monday, August 20, 2018


I would rather have had the Germans overrun Russia than for 

the Bolsheviks to remain in power there, and in Eastern 

Europe, and in east Asia, 

after WWII.

That is just my view. 

I am not fond of the Nazi Regime, but compared to what.

If you say, "You are a monster, saying that, when the Nazis 


6 or 7 million Jews, and other gypsies, etc."

My reply is that the Bolsheviki killed a lot more than that 

number, of non Jew Russians themselves, plus Russian and non 

Russian Jews, over many decades.

Therefore, if the Nazis would have killed a lot of Russians if 

they had overrun Russia,  I say, "So what."

Patton wanted to go ahead and finish the fucking Russians off, 

using German troops to do it:

Kill two birds with one stone, baby!

The Russian people would have been a whole lot better off 

under the Czars than the Bolsheviki. 

Woodrow Wilson, what an idiot!

You can quote me.

Lest you think I am singling the Russians out for abuse, just 

reflect for a moment on say the Taiping Rebellion and War.  

That was a classic blood bath, baby, way before Mao....

started by acolytes of Christian Missionaries!

Maybe a hundred million dead. A hundred million.........

Many millions displaced (that means immigrants refugees, the 

kind of folks Americans love to welcome here from 


Makes the Jewish holocaust look small by contrast!

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