I side with Huntington in such works as The Clash, and Who Are We?
This country was founded on the cultural, religious, political, and racial features of white Anglo Saxon British Isles Protestants, diverse though even they were, in creed background and outlook.
And that is how, in my judgment, it should remain, in terms of the clear majority of the population, going forward, by whatever means.

Friday, August 31, 2018
She claims, enormous mea culpa, all past economics is and has been degenerate!
I fully agree with that.
I could just stop there!
She likes Mickey Mouse Circles instead of Mickey Mouse geometry.
Take your pick, baby!
She is still very much a Mickey Mouse, end of the line, economist, puts Rodrik in the shade.
Let's just stop there....
Put it this way: she also needs hard offshoring.
I fully agree with that.
I could just stop there!
She likes Mickey Mouse Circles instead of Mickey Mouse geometry.
Take your pick, baby!
Let's just stop there....
Put it this way: she also needs hard offshoring.
Get ready.
The New China Silk Road is right up there along the fricking border, where it was designed to be, baby.
The New China Silk Road is right up there along the fricking border, where it was designed to be, baby.
not just either liberal or conservative Christianity.
This is one reason why the West will be the scapegoat for destroying all traditional culture and belief: because it has.
Another huge reason is one I discussed yesterday, again, re race, civilizations, and the role of the West in world history.
Not only did The White West enslave, indenture, or kill ' world citizens of color ', but it destroyed their religions and their culture as part of the enslavement, indenture, and killing.
This is one reason why the West will be the scapegoat for destroying all traditional culture and belief: because it has.
Another huge reason is one I discussed yesterday, again, re race, civilizations, and the role of the West in world history.
Not only did The White West enslave, indenture, or kill ' world citizens of color ', but it destroyed their religions and their culture as part of the enslavement, indenture, and killing.
Thursday, August 30, 2018
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United States
Unknown Region
Sunday, October 22, 2017
This has been obvious for 4 decades now. The key terms in the account are: open economy.
Look at his four reasons. One of them he doesn't really even want to unpack....
He calls it wonkish, but as he admits, it is embarrassingly simple really, and requires no actual mickey mouse geometry, which is what it is, frankly, just plain English.
Re the key terms: open economy, what do you think that is?
It is an economist's economy, one based on economists' views of the best thing, an ever increasing global thing.
Whether you are a liberal or conservative economist, you are an open economy advocate under the skin, regardless of your color or civilization.
Terms search: Krugman, offshoring, economists, economics, open society, Popper, the Fifth Century Enlightenment, cultural relativism, The Open Society and its Enemies
Re the key terms: open economy, what do you think that is?
It is an economist's economy, one based on economists' views of the best thing, an ever increasing global thing.
Whether you are a liberal or conservative economist, you are an open economy advocate under the skin, regardless of your color or civilization.
Terms search: Krugman, offshoring, economists, economics, open society, Popper, the Fifth Century Enlightenment, cultural relativism, The Open Society and its Enemies
Asians don't like it when Harvard or anybody picks only some, baby. Why in hell should even 22% of Harvard be Asian Americans now? Sounds like an outrageous percentage. Why? No demographic reason whatsoever.
Asians want them all, the good ones, to pick all Asians. Getting into a good American school is an Asian rivalry thing. You are just the doormat for it.
Asians want them all, the good ones, to pick all Asians. Getting into a good American school is an Asian rivalry thing. You are just the doormat for it.
Take a look at American better music conservatories: most of them are now mostly Asians, not Asian Americans, who gives a shit about that, although the Harvard case ostensibly deals with only that. It's not Asian Americans, just different Asian nationals.
The Asians are jamming your own liberalism up your tight dumb liberal faux meritocratic ass, just like Gandhi did to the British, MLK did to America. Nothing new about it, really, just gone global.
In these bastions, they don't compete so much with the spoiled gilded dumb and dumber whites, nor the very few, and pitiful, but talented and poor, negroes.
Whom do these Asians most compete against, almost to the proverbial death?
Neither spoiled American whites, nor pathetic American negroes.
They compete against each other!
Maybe Professor Kaiser can chime in here, since Harvard has now been called on the racist the carpet, and set me straight, explain to you and me how enlightened these Asians now are, thanks to us!
Terms search: Randall Collins, enlightenment
The Asians are jamming your own liberalism up your tight dumb liberal faux meritocratic ass, just like Gandhi did to the British, MLK did to America. Nothing new about it, really, just gone global.
In these bastions, they don't compete so much with the spoiled gilded dumb and dumber whites, nor the very few, and pitiful, but talented and poor, negroes.
Whom do these Asians most compete against, almost to the proverbial death?
Neither spoiled American whites, nor pathetic American negroes.
They compete against each other!
Maybe Professor Kaiser can chime in here, since Harvard has now been called on the racist the carpet, and set me straight, explain to you and me how enlightened these Asians now are, thanks to us!
Terms search: Randall Collins, enlightenment
Friday, February 23, 2018
Rodrik blunders into talking about convergence...
Economist Tar Baby move!
He calls it redistribution, but he is talking about redistribution on a global scale, not redistritution, as it is normally discussed, in obsolete domestic economies, take from the rich and give to the poor.
This redistribution is take from all rich countries' citizens (including even the super rich) and give to poor countries' citizens (and their new super rich), on an enormous, unprecedented scale.
It is called global income convergence.
He suggests a New Deal FDR type tiny band aid for this enormous, deep, and lasting economic gash in advanced Western countries' economies.
Piketty was frankly smarter than Rodrik: he wouldn't touch the economists' tar baby subject of income convergence at all!
Terms search: offshoring economists:
Economist Tar Baby move!
He calls it redistribution, but he is talking about redistribution on a global scale, not redistritution, as it is normally discussed, in obsolete domestic economies, take from the rich and give to the poor.
This redistribution is take from all rich countries' citizens (including even the super rich) and give to poor countries' citizens (and their new super rich), on an enormous, unprecedented scale.
It is called global income convergence.
He suggests a New Deal FDR type tiny band aid for this enormous, deep, and lasting economic gash in advanced Western countries' economies.
Piketty was frankly smarter than Rodrik: he wouldn't touch the economists' tar baby subject of income convergence at all!
Terms search: offshoring economists:
Friday, August 27, 2010
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Sunday, June 18, 2017
Saturday, February 24, 2018
Terms search: flatly wrong
A common misconception is that various economists, any of them really, are only wrong, if ever wrong, only sometimes, and about only one thing, here or there.
This is an important misconception:
Economists are always, and have always, normally, been wrong about everything in one way or in multiple ways at the same time.
Here is only a small non exhaustive list of subjects all economists are normally, at best, wrong about:
Laissez faire, wrong, tariffs, wrong, mercantilism, wrong, government spending, wrong, government not spending, wrong, capitalism, wrong, free trade, wrong, equilibrium, wrong, marginal utility, wrong, supply demand, wrong, monetary policy, wrong, gold or bi metallic standard on it or off it, wrong, comparative advantage, wrong, fiat currency, wrong, central banking policy, wrong, government debt, wrong, private debt, wrong, MFN, wrong, foreign aid, wrong, the Fed, wrong, USAID, wrong, spending stimulus, wrong, taxes, wrong, investment policy, wrong, mathematical and or geometrical models of any kind or description, wrong, micro economics, wrong, macro economics, wrong, international economics, wrong, competitiveness, wrong, wars, wrong, managed trade, wrong, preferences, wrong, subsidies, wrong, sanctions, wrong, lifting sanctions, wrong, peace, wrong, picking winners, wrong, offshoring, wrong, globalization, wrong, inflation, wrong, deflation, wrong, stagnation, wrong, convergence, wrong, industrialization, wrong, deindustrialization, wrong, elasticities of all kinds, wrong, protectionism of any kind, wrong, regionalism, wrong, LIEO, wrong, WTO, wrong, WB, wrong, IMF, wrong, EU, wrong, NAFTA, wrong, EXIMBANK, wrong, Bretton Woods, wrong, WWI reparations, wrong, GATT, wrong, Smoot Hawley, wrong, economic crises of any kind, wrong, definition of an economy of any kind, wrong, service economy, wrong, skills analysis eg symbolic analysts driven economies, wrong, Great Depression, wrong, competitive advantage, wrong, economic nationalism, wrong, comparative advantage, wrong, interest rates, wrong, multilateralism, wrong, isolationism, wrong, divorce of economics from politics, wrong, greatest good for the greatest numbers, wrong, redistribution, wrong.
The Japanese totally kicked your fucking industrial and technological butt, long before the other Asians, finally, including the Chinese, even got started on finishing you off, after you pivoted your big dumb Boomerbutt in various other economic directions in Asia,
and your economists all have more or less said, all along, since the 50s, nothing out of the ordinary, business as usual, shift to service economy, nothing to worry about, offshoring is fine, smooth sailing toward full plentiful globalization ahead, nice pivot move...
Terms search: pivot
The Japanese totally kicked your fucking industrial and technological butt, long before the other Asians, finally, including the Chinese, even got started on finishing you off, after you pivoted your big dumb Boomerbutt in various other economic directions in Asia,
and your economists all have more or less said, all along, since the 50s, nothing out of the ordinary, business as usual, shift to service economy, nothing to worry about, offshoring is fine, smooth sailing toward full plentiful globalization ahead, nice pivot move...
Terms search: pivot
Or: "How Paul's Mission to the Gentiles went wrong for the Jews, and how it can now be reinterpreted, 2,000 years later, as going wrong for the whites."
Or, Liberace: "How the Progressive Dream Gets a Chance (NYT), and then goes terribly wrong."
Not just postcolonials of color (the great majority of humans), but most importantly, even whites, consider themselves the guilty party in the world history of color.
Or, Liberace: "How the Progressive Dream Gets a Chance (NYT), and then goes terribly wrong."
Not just postcolonials of color (the great majority of humans), but most importantly, even whites, consider themselves the guilty party in the world history of color.
All white males are scapegoated, here and elsewhere, by progressive white males, and also by white women, who did not achieve voting rights here until 50 years after freed negroes.
It is a pathetic Whig misinterpretation of history, but an accurate picture.
Under globalization, whites, white males, are the New Global Jew, the betrayers and killers of the Messiah of Color, in my Pauline reinterpretation, call it LIEO Mission to the Gentiles of Color, and the simultaneous globalized, inversion of color, of the Whig Protestant Popish Plot.
Under globalization, whites, white males, are the New Global Jew, the betrayers and killers of the Messiah of Color, in my Pauline reinterpretation, call it LIEO Mission to the Gentiles of Color, and the simultaneous globalized, inversion of color, of the Whig Protestant Popish Plot.
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Which would you rather have?
It doesn't matter what your answer is......
Trust me, or don't trust me.
That doesn't matter either.
It doesn't matter what your answer is......
Trust me, or don't trust me.
That doesn't matter either.
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United States
Unknown Region
Remember I mentioned some years ago that there was already a Russia China Alliance?
More recently, I have noted it, in passing.
What does it mean?
Why not say it means, in the short run, a ' free hand ' for each, in East and South Asia, and in Europe.
Game over. Sell the coffee.
More recently, I have noted it, in passing.
What does it mean?
Why not say it means, in the short run, a ' free hand ' for each, in East and South Asia, and in Europe.
Game over. Sell the coffee.
Monday, August 27, 2018
Saturday, August 25, 2018
Richard Roberts, discoverer of the Hobbit, says local tales suggest the species could still exist
When I was back in Flores earlier this month we heard the most amazing tales of little, hairy people, whom they called Ebu Gogo - Ebu meaning grandmother and Gogo meaning 'he who eats anything'. The tales contained the most fabulous details - so detailed that you'd imagine there had to be a grain of truth in them.
One of the village elders told us that the Ebu Gogo ate everything raw, including vegetables, fruits, meat and, if they got the chance, even human meat.

When food was served to them they also ate the plates, made of pumpkin - the original guests from hell (or heaven, if you don't like washing up and don't mind replacing your dinner set every week).
The villagers say that the Ebu Gogo raided their crops, which they tolerated, but decided to chase them away when the Ebu Gogo stole - and ate - one of their babies.
They ran away with the baby to their cave which was at the foot of the local volcano, some tens of metres up a cliff face. The villagers offered them bales of dry grass as fodder, which they gratefully accepted.
A few days later, the villagers went back with a burning bale of grass which they tossed into the cave. Out ran the Ebu Gogo, singed but not fried, and were last seen heading west, in the direction of Liang Bua, where we found the Hobbit, as it happens.
When my colleague Gert van den Bergh first heard these stories a decade ago, which several of the villages around the volcano recount with only very minor changes in detail, he thought them no better than leprechaun tales until we unearthed the Hobbit. (I much prefer Ebu as the name of our find but my colleague Mike Morwood was insistent on Hobbit.)
The anatomical details in the legends are equally fascinating. They are described as about a metre tall, with long hair, pot bellies, ears that slightly stick out, a slightly awkward gait, and longish arms and fingers - both confirmed by our further finds this year.
They [the Ebu Gogo] murmured at each other and could repeat words [spoken by villagers] verbatim. For example, to 'here's some food', they would reply 'here's some food'. They could climb slender-girthed trees but, here's the rub, were never seen holding stone tools or anything similar, whereas we have lots of sophisticated artefacts in the H. floresiensis levels at Liang Bua. That's the only inconsistency with the Liang Bua evidence.
The women Ebu Gogo had extremely pendulous breasts, so long that they would throw them over their shoulders, which must have been quite a sight in full flight.
We did ask the villagers if they ever interbred with the Ebu Gogo. They vigorously denied this, but said that the women of Labuan Baju (a village at the far western end of Flores, better known as LBJ) had rather long breasts, so they must have done.
Poor LBJ must be the butt of jokes in Flores, rather like the Irish and Tasmanians.
A local eruption at Liang Bua (in western Flores) may have wiped out local hobbits around 12,000 years ago, but they could well have persisted much later in other parts of the island. The villagers said that the last hobbit was seen just before the village moved location, farther from the volcano, not long before the Dutch colonists settled in that part of central Flores, in the 19th century.
Do the Ebu Gogo still exist? It would be a hoot to search the last pockets of rainforest on the island. Not many such pockets exist, but who knows. At the very least, searching again for that lava cave, or others like it, should be done, because remains of hair only a few hundred years old, would surely survive, snagged on the cave walls or incorporated in deposits, and would be ideal for ancient DNA analyses.
Interestingly, we did find lumps of dirt with black hair in them this year in the Hobbit levels, but don't know yet if they're human or something else. We're getting DNA testing done, which we hope will be instructive.
Richard "Bert" Roberts is a University of Wollongong professor and one of the team investigating the Hobbits.
This post dedicated to Newt Gingrich.
This post dedicated to Newt Gingrich.
China's vassal North Korea has got his butt behind, while China snubs Trump's trade dick in front..........
Or, vice versa, China in back, NK in front. Whichever way.
Or, vice versa, China in back, NK in front. Whichever way.
This was another theme I was able to use, with devastating effect, on what had seemed, to the prosecution, a quite good case....
I don't recall whether it came out of the holster in the arson case, but there was ample evidence in that case to have unsheathed it.
I represented a lot of black folk who knew the score. They knew they were fucked. They had prior records. They had been offered so called good deals, rather than go to trial.
They had taken them, once or twice, or more; thinking that was better than going out against the likes of Hanging Harry Coe, something like that.
Maybe they had a point, a half ass chicken shit defense, or more likely a plea so called bargain, at the last minute, shit like that.
With me, they somehow learned, call it through the grape vine, that they had a maybe better than 50 50 chance to win. Some of them took it.
I represented a lot of black folk who knew the score. They knew they were fucked. They had prior records. They had been offered so called good deals, rather than go to trial.
They had taken them, once or twice, or more; thinking that was better than going out against the likes of Hanging Harry Coe, something like that.
Maybe they had a point, a half ass chicken shit defense, or more likely a plea so called bargain, at the last minute, shit like that.
With me, they somehow learned, call it through the grape vine, that they had a maybe better than 50 50 chance to win. Some of them took it.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Here was a prior post bemoaning the history, the aspect of open subsidized higher education here, 50 years on now. I am certain almost no reader grasped the meaning back then:
He points out the obvious point, re direct transfer by foreign direct investment, also going on for many decades now, and chronicled repeatedly on this site, in a great book, The War for Wealth, here at page 163:
"Knowledge used to be......
never before in history has there been such a massive transfer of knowledge-- without war or conquest-- from one social group to another."
Here was how I put it:
'Never In The History Of Human Conflict Has So Much
Been Given Away to
So Many By So Few.'
Great point to make, the one I have been making, but how to put it now,
as I have said, game over.
Friday, August 24, 2018
I once represented a degenerate old black man, who lived in a run down tenament, in Tampa, maybe Ybor City as I recall.
He had been charged with felony arson, for intentionally burning down his whole apartment building. I think maybe ten or fifteen families or individuals lived there. It was four stories high, as I recall.
Anyway, the case was considered impossible to defend.
They even had, believe it or not, a long Fire Department or local News station, close up video, almost a minute long, which, for that time, seemed interminable, of several, not just one, quite justifiably outraged fellow tenants, of that very building, who were just losing, at that moment, their modest leasehold homes, and all their personal belongings, lambasting him viciously over the head with their handbags and fists and claws, and yelling expletives at him as they did, on camera, in front of the building as fire department people swarmed around with big hoses on the ground, back and forth, to try to save the building and secure the safety of those who had lived there, and even trying to pull these women off him, too.
These were not Charlie's Angels...They could go to jail themselves, for battery ,for what they were doing on camera to my poor client, and it would have been an easy case to prove, whereas no one saw how the fire started!
These were not Charlie's Angels...They could go to jail themselves, for battery ,for what they were doing on camera to my poor client, and it would have been an easy case to prove, whereas no one saw how the fire started!
This video was shown to the jury in the case...
It would be hard to imagine a more damaging piece of film evidence than this.
I had no successful valid basis to try to exclude it...although I desperately tried something I am sure.
That is what you call highly inflammatory and inculpatory but nevertheless circumstantial evidence.
You may think that is all, and well would one hope so, but there is a whole lot more.
There was a key state witness, who lived in a bungalow across the street from this apartment building.
She made an outlandish and hardly credible statement, to the police about my client's behavior and statements, but nevertheless one, to an experienced trial lawyer, probably had some indicia of reliability......
She took the witness stand in the case. She claimed to be sitting on her front porch at the time this fire started. She stated that she saw my client come down the outside staircase, half way, then stop there, and say:
"I know what I'll do. I'll go back up here (back up to his apartment), and set this motherfucker on fire, and they'll come runnin out like roaches!"
That is what the woman, on the porch across the street, claimed and testified in open court that she heard my client say.
He then went back upstairs, and shortly after that, there was evidence of a fire in the building.
So, here we have what appears to be the most damning possible case for the prosecution.
No case, in Rumpole, that I am aware of, even begins to come close to that bad.
What happened?
My client seemed to have some sort of answer for everything, one way or another. I used this material only on cross.
Because it did not come out until my cross examination itself unfolded, this defense case was a classic example of what I became known for: ambush!
Because it did not come out until my cross examination itself unfolded, this defense case was a classic example of what I became known for: ambush!
He claimed that the women beating him, up in front of the burning building, were angry with him because he had absconded with an apartment building common beer money kitty! Not because he had torched their homes!
The woman across the street, he claimed, was a disgruntled jilted old flame of his, who now despereately wanted to get back at him.
The state called a very respectable black woman politician, and lawyer, who testified to who owned the building itself, and how they did not agree to have it burned down.... It was merely a technical requirement of their case, to put on evidence of ownership of the property damaged or destroyed...
We turned that testimony on cross into a charade that the building was in poor condition, the owners wanted the homeowners' insurance policy limits for the lost burned building, an argument which was actually often quite credible in other circumstances, given how these buildings suddenly seemed to burn down when there were code violations and fire insurance, creating a motive for the fire in some other smart deep pocket entity than my client.
As with most of my trials, we put on no case whatsoever, called no witnesses, had no physical evidence to present. My client was not callable as a witness in his own defense for the usual reasons. It was open, cross, and close.
So, the conclusion was that my client was found not guilty by the jury, and not only found not guilty, but found not guilty in less than half an hour of deliberation, as if the state had somehow put on a poor weak case, in the first place, which should never have been brought in front of a jury ever!
I used to gloat especially loudly when a not guilty verdict was especially quick!
As with most of my trials, we put on no case whatsoever, called no witnesses, had no physical evidence to present. My client was not callable as a witness in his own defense for the usual reasons. It was open, cross, and close.
So, the conclusion was that my client was found not guilty by the jury, and not only found not guilty, but found not guilty in less than half an hour of deliberation, as if the state had somehow put on a poor weak case, in the first place, which should never have been brought in front of a jury ever!
I used to gloat especially loudly when a not guilty verdict was especially quick!
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