Saturday, July 28, 2018


Freed negro men (the most threatening to Northern Republicans who had voted for Lincoln) were given the right to vote in 1870. 

The Radical Republicans gave these freed negroes the right to vote just like you would give a performing monkey a banana! That was exactly their attitude.

American white women, on the other hand, did not get to vote until 1920, fully 50 years, two generations, later.

Freed negro men had more democratic rights than white women for fully 50 years here.

That wuz yur democracy at work.

Yu had a free, unshackled, press the whole Goddamned time, too! 

No England breathing down your stupid necks!

The decades long run up to the Civil War, and its decades long horrific aftermath, is really the centerpiece of the disaster that has been American history.

All the rest is prelude, or postscript.

The original prelude, the disastrous breaking away from Britain, pales by comparison.

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