Tuesday, July 24, 2018


There are no good stories left for him or you.
It's a long story why that should now be.
He cites Alasdair of the best of a bad lot.
Someone gave him this pablum.

He doesn't like race, he doesn't like class.
This is America, that is really all that is left, except idiot fringe gender, LGBT, animal rights, etc? Environmentalism, dead as a mackerel.

Democrat bullshit inconsistent old stories: 
2. Meritocracy Entrepreneurialism
Brooks embraced both baby.

Two new bullshit stories:
1. Sanders class analysis: Socialism fighting for the screwed middle class.(Notice he doesn't even talk about the lowers. Those aren't even in Sanders' class analysis anymore apparently, or in Brooks' Sanders vocabulary, so it really is faux socialism.)
2. Multiculturalist oppression story: This is where the lowers come back in as race.

The long hoped for alliance between so called oppressed minorities and lower class whites never materialized, and when it threatened, Democrats lost.

Brooks' whole Republican editorial career has made sure of that, baby, but he doesn't take credit, he just moves on.

If you throw economics into race, you queer it....
If you throw race into economics, you queer it....David Brooks

Now that he, too, is trying to move to the left himself, he is stepping into his own critical dodo everywhere he steps. 

He is surrounded by the poop from his critiques of Democrats.

There is no unsoiled middle ground on the left of center on which a moderate Republican now in full retreat can now stand.

Brooks has no credible story of any kind whatsoever to tell.

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