Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Slop bruschetta!
You can already now see where this is going...

One difference from the borsht slop is that this is a condiment, not a soup.

So, you have to remove and find another better use for the leftover root vegetables in the roast, and use only the sauce, and maybe not all of it, depending, for the bruschetta topping.

You want to use stale but not yet molding bread.
That is the whole point in Italy, after all; use leftover bread. It needs to be light, absorbent, rustic, white, bread. Not
wonderbread. French baguettes are OK, but not the best shape for proper toasting both sides.

For this, I like to use either chicken, beef, or pork especially ham slop sauce. Lamb is a little too gamey for this appetizer. Rabbit is fine, Squirrel great. I wouldn't use duck either, but hey, duck is duck.

Reduce the leftover slop sauce so that it is not the biggest ingredient, diced tomatoes are.

Add diced tomatoes at the end of the slop reduction. There should be two or three times as much diced tomato as reduced slop.
Simmer together only for a minute. You don't want to really cook the tomatoes very much.

Toast the bread, and top with the warm bruschetta topping.

Garnish with diced sweet onion, anchovy filets, Italian spices, capers, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, sardines, cheese, etc., if you like.

You can make a meal of this and a
caesar salad.

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