Saturday, December 10, 2016


Lusis: ""Recovery?" You wrote "official unemployment rate." Since when has any administration been forthcoming with honest employment statistics? People who have been unemployed past a certain time period fall out of the sampling pool, as I'm sure you know.

"Perhaps the labor participation rate tells a more accurate story as to why Donald Trump was elected? Nearly 100 million Americans are not working."

This goes a long way to explaining Trump's appeal. It was also Hitler's. The main difference, it seems to me, is that Hitler at least was what I would call a Statesman, rather than a mere politician.
A statesman has principles, even if, as in Hitler's case, warped ones. He really did serve, and believed he was continuing to serve, the constituency that had put him into power, not just big business, but mainly the lower class and working people of Germany.
Trump has no intention of doing that. That is why I have noted that he has already committed what I call The Kennedy Fallacy.

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