Thursday, December 22, 2016


This is not something you ever ran across, perhaps.

The taste for chicken gizzards seems now to be a lost Epicurean preference.

I don't know why.

Anyway, these little rascals are really great.

They have a gristle along the back side. Never mind. I used to simply chew the fronts off.

To make pate, saute or even broil these little babies brown. Do the same for hearts, if they are there.

Then carve  or scrape, the gizzard fronts off, and discard the gristle backs. Don't just throw them in a food processor whole, or you will have a gristly pate, and no one wants that.

Some ignorant people say "throw chicken hearts away", if they were bought packaged together. That is truly idiotic. You very finely dice the cooked hearts and use them in the pate too.

Then make pate as you would, or perhaps only as I would, with chicken livers...

You can then use this in a variety of ways, just like any other pate.

Say, even, "Beef Wellington Chicken Gizzards..."

Regarding Beef Wellington, I suggest using only the fat end of the ribeye, sometimes still called a ' Delmonico ', rather than the filet mignon.  Just a thought.....

Call it " Delmonico Gizzard Wellington".

If you could catch a buzzard, you might do "Gizzard Pate Stuffed Roast Buzzard."
That might be a hit, out West.

This post is dedicated to Randy.

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