Sunday, March 25, 2018


. . . every previous President recognized that he and his office stood for something bigger and had a dignity that he had to try to preserve. .
Yeah, sure. That is why George W Bush lied the country into the invasion of Iraq and the botched occupation that followed. Why Obama presided over a huge financial crisis brought on by rampant fraud and could find almost no one to prosecute. Why Clinton turned his post-Presidency into a perpetual shakedown to finance his Foundation. Dignity. Hah.
We did not fall off a cliff from some high plateau of normal; we slid down a long, slimy slope to get to Trump.

The nation's modern foreign policy establishment -- founded in effect by Woodrow Wilson -- has become a deranged Blob (are you familiar with this reference?). Trump, as personally unprepared as he is, could not be worse than Hillary Clinton, who learned the lesson of Iraq and applied it in Libya and wanted to do so as well in Syria, and who thought Saudi funding of America's enemies a PR problem.

As bizarre as the spectacle of Larry Kudlow may be as an economic advisor, the Democratic Party establishment is owned by the financial sector and that is just a fact.
There are many precedents in history for earnest liberals failing to behave responsibly or with even minimal integrity and what followed was authoritarian reaction. We may be experiencing something similar in this generation's incapacity responsible public action or even bare sanity. The fecklessness with which Dems "oppose" Trump scares me as much as Trump himself.

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