Monday, March 12, 2018


Leonhardt defines his and Iglesias' fallacy, 'The tendency to confuse one's own policy wishes with good political advice' much much too narrowly.
He is talking only about the fallacies the pundit himself makes!

Matthew Iglesias: The Pundity Fallacy: “The pundit’s fallacy is that belief that what a politician needs to do to improve his or her political standing is do what the pundit wants substantively.”
My own definition of The Pundit Fallacy really includes the whole American political system:
The Pundit Fallacy is
The American Political System Fallacy, in many ways.
Americans tend to believe their pundits, regardless of which side they seem on, on any issue at all, at any one time, and to rely on them, and especially on their flawed evanescent, blinkered, myopic but  kaleidoscopic pundit reasoning, for the correction and maintenance of their weak and palsied political system.
That is what I mean by The Pundit Fallacy.

Punditocracy: A society that believes its pundits.

One really good example: The Patton Slapping Story that Pearson 'broke'. Pearson was not a hero, but rather a corrupt self aggrandizing slut. The story was fed to him by Bolshevik loving FDR administration operatives under the sway of Stalin.

Looked at this way, Pearson was nothing more than a hapless Stalin stooge, much as Trump, by his own efforts, plus the media he hates, seems now to be getting painted into a Putin stooge box.

Our media however, by the way, is no less a group of stooges now, as back then.

The Kitty Genovese Story, another media fiasco leaving egg on countless faces, including Bobbitt's. Yet the author of the Genovese Story retired from the NYT, after a long and successful career, and died, a hero. The verdict of history!
Terms seearch: punditocracy, Drew Pearson fallacy, Fallows Fallacy, Brooks Fallacy, mutton busting, etc

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