Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Monday, June 26, 2017


Saturday, March 8, 2014

re DK's current post

Each assertion requires differing treatment. 
Maybe I'll never get around to that....:
“The peoples of Ukraine, the United States, Europe and Russia need peace and economic recovery, and they can only secure them upon a foundation of political liberalism....
Isn't it overly liberal international order anarchism, itself, which has tended to make peace, and domestic recovery, more urgent needs than ever for each, after all?

"In the last crisis of the 1930s and 1940s--the subject of my forthcoming book, due out exactly one month from today--the government of the United States stood unreservedly for international law, against international anarchy...."
International law, in the old sense, and liberal global anarchic trade and investment, are inconsistent, and the US stood, rather, in the 1930s and 1940s, for the latter, against the former, wherever possible, and thereafter, until now. 

"Again and again President Roosevelt and Secretary of State Hull called upon nations to respect one another's territorial integrity, and warned that anarchy, once unleashed, was bound to spread to the western hemisphere..."
The concept of self determination was not a respecter of existing borders; quite the contrary.
A liberal global international economic trade and investment order respects no national borders, as Bobbitt, even,  a so called liberal, has pointed out, in some detail, in The Shield Of Achilles.

"We live in a very different world today.  The United States and the western hemisphere are not threatened with invasion, but anarchy threatens much of the world, including Ukraine..."
Anarchy will be a precurser to incursions. Many soft power incursions, into these highly permeable liberal democratic influence peddling membranes have occurred, long ago, also.

"Then in 1999 Bill Clinton led NATO into war against Yugoslavia to stop the ethnic cleansing of Kosovar Albanians.  The Russian government and the UN Security Council did not bless that war, and thus began a chill in Russian-American relations... "
We attacked the Orthodox world, albeit its rogue Serbian branch, in defense of the Muslim world, on the very eve of the Arab Spring..... that was a prescription for liberal globalist anarchy in the Balkans, in itself. 
We are an ideological, and civilizational, loose cannon.

"Wicked dictators, we still believe, must go as soon as a few hundred thousand people demonstrate against them in the street, and democracy will naturally follow.”
Well put. Nuf said.  

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