Saturday, October 21, 2017


Professor Kaiser has now made the Civil War out as sort of the best example that has been given to Europe, the West, and in fact the world, for what democracy should look like in action.

Fair enough. That is his view, and there is a strong element of truth in that, for me.

Postscript excerpt, 12, 31, 2019. 
This was the context and reference of the above post:

"Friday, October 20, 2017

Living in a dangerous world

At least since the time of the French and American Revolutions, international politics have involved conflicts among different domestic political systems.  In the periodic crises in the international system since the 1790s, the warring parties have fought in part to establish their own form of government.  The Napoleonic Wars ended with the old aristocracy firmly entrenched in Great Britain and bureaucratic monarchies firmly in control in nearly all of Europe.  In the 1860s the victory of the democratic North over the aristocratic South in the American civil war helped lead to the institution of some form of democracy in Britain France, and Germany.  William II of Germany and Woodrow Wilson both saw the First World war as a context between absolute monarchy and democracy...." DK

The recent NYT article on Wall Street and Slavery is a nice moment to reiterate that slavery in America was quintessentially a national institution from an economic perspective. 

The South could not have functioned at all without various industries and institutions sited in the North not the South. 

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