Sunday, October 9, 2016


This is a subject Piketty avoids like the plague, so read about it here.

He focuses mainly only on income divergence, and mainly only in the wealthy West.

So he frankly completely misses the really big point about modern economic reality.

Global per capita median annual household income: $2,920? That's the US figure.  A gross overstatement.  Many say it is really $1,225... That sounds more like it.
Of course, for almost all people, this is not a real number, for them, because the global top 1% represents almost half of that number, up front.
They don't even publish mean per capita income that I can find, which is actually the much more important number.
Why? They do not want you to know, because everyone here is an apologist for evermore globalization. What does more globalization do? It reduces even further the income for wealthier people in wealthier civilizations, bringing it ever closer, in dribs and drabs, to the global mean per capita income, whatever that is.

These enormous numbers of really really poor people are the people that globalist human rights liberals want to give the vote to, and frankly, eventually, make it a global federalist vote.

That is the economics and political endgame of the post Milner Group market capitalist agenda.

Do you really think that they, all those seething angry downtrodden poor people, billions of them actually, who earn (the earner in a household) say a dollar or two or three a day, what Bobbitt rightly called a seething under class, would then globally vote to keep rich Western Liberal countries, and their richer denizens, either rich or superpowers? Why?

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