Sunday, October 2, 2016


Another note on demagogues. DK does not seem to think we have had any recently until now, perhaps, Trump.
I would have thought that not only JFK, whom I mentioned in another post the other day, but also, classically, Ronald Reagan, somewhat filled the bill his father had feared. He came out of the motion picture industry rather than television, granted, but he appealed very much to the common civil libertarian wild west anarchist radical, and to the globalist establishment rabble who wanted to be hard on Communism, all at once.
Reagan seems to have been a demagogue. He carried off the role of leader with aplomb.  Yet, again, Reagan really was that kind of guy. Maybe that distinguishes him from a demagogue or an actor who merely panders to the mob. 
In a sense, Hitler had not been merely a demagogue either. He was a leader who really believed his warped mission.

Postscript: I almost forgot, Reagan had done some TV work, he was especially recognizable in ads for GE.

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