Monday, December 12, 2016


I hate NY Strips. I never eat them. There are a lot of reasons. In my view only an idiot eats a NY Strip if he has a choice.

I just want to suggest some ways that you losers, who like these dogs, might improve them...or, shall we say, ' Improv Them '. I sort of feel sorry for you...Call it: Culinary Philanthropy

One option: You can buy from someone who aged the bejesus out of them. I don't think that will help much.

OK. My option. What you do, you fry some really good bacon, only to bare bare al dente.  It needs to be still very tender and fatty.

You take a very long narrow blade knife, and you make two long narrow incisions, lengthwise, through the strip.

Using the handle of a wooden spoon, force a strip of bacon into and all the way through each of the incisions, so that it sticks out at both ends.

Slather the whole thing generously in the rendered bacon fat.

Broil to your taste, not too awfully long.

Why do I do NY Strips this way? They are tough. I never had one that was tender.

Many people know about wrapping filet mignon around with bacon. That is for flavor too, but the filet mignon does not need it for tenderness. The NY Strip needs all the tenderizing fat it can get.

You could also do meat tenderizer for these. Not really a bad idea, on top of the bacon treatment for flavor.

You could also call this Pork Barrel Politics.

This post is dedicated to Randy.

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