Tuesday, December 6, 2016


That sums it up as well as any other simple phrase I can think of.
Palmer talked about the period from say 1760 to 1800 as the age of the democratic revolution, mainly in the West, but spilling over slightly into other civilizations even then.
The sense of struggle, of ideological uncertainty, and political instability, has not ceased in all of that time since 1760, but rather has been transformed into a struggle within and among civilizations themselves.
It has transformed itself into an age of civilizational struggle, outside the boundaries of the West, and both within and against the West, as well as also being a struggle of all civilizations against all others at the same time.

Bannon tried to make them believe, in the Vatican Conference in 2014, that they were at peace in 1900, had been since 1815 really. Just think about a few little things that were happening around that time, long before WWI, here and there.

Oh, there was the tiny Boer War. (Milner Group debacle) No big deal, right? Churchill saw a little action...

Oh, it fueled bitter already existing Anglo German antagonism, so what? What could that mean?  That's not real war.

Oh the inconsequential Russo Japanese War, which the japanese won. Teddy ostensibly engineered the treaty...that's really peace with a hiccup.

Oh, Italy and Germany imperial misadventures, here and there, Africa and elsewhere. No big woop. That is peace.

The Philippine American War, a nothing really.

Boxer Rebellion, not a real war, no big woop.

Now if we go back into the 19th Century, I can point to a few little sticky wickets, some wouldn't even call them wars... Franco Prussian, Crimean, Opium, and a hundred others.

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