Wednesday, March 23, 2022


 We fought the only Civil War ostensibly in favor of another race, only then, for 150+ years later, to have American negroes be rejected by whites and by negroes themselves for racial assimilation, and to have them and the rest of the negro and real black Africa world, 1.3 billion of them, piss on the white West as the only racial original sinners, oppressors, and perverts.

Both races forgetting that African chieftans themselves always kept most African negro slaves, and any white slaves they could get, for themselves; and that the slave trade in Africa was run by the time of the Renaissance by only the Africa Muslims, not Western Civilization whites, and not even Africa negroes themselves. ("Indigenous" Africa negro Muslims are not whites, trust me. Swalilis, i.e. Muslim negro mulattoes, is the more correct term.) 

Jews in the Russian Steppe were trafficking in white non Jew slav slaves for the Middle East and Africa markets, with Muslim traders, both before and after the fall of Byzantium to Islam in 1453. 

The Mamluks, The Abbasid Califate, were composed of this manumitted slav slave soldier ruling class.

See: Thomas Sowell, works, and references.

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