Tuesday, March 22, 2022


 I could not have said it as well.

Blogger CrocodileChuck said...

Zelensky ran for office on a platform of improving relations with RUS. Once elected, &, doubtless at the urging of Victoria Nuland, he did the exact opposite.

What the war is telling the US about itself is that it is once again meddling in the affairs of a country far away that has nothing to do with its security.

Look at a map: UKR is a border state. Rule No. 1 of border states is to cultivate good relations with each of its larger neighbours.

Zelenksy failed miserably.

By dumping billions$ of weapons into UKR, the US is setting itself up for a re-run of of its cheering on AFGHAN against the Russians; this time perhaps involving the Neo-Nazis of Central Europe.

The US State Dept is bereft of ideas, running the Zbigniew Brezhenski Playbook in another failed state.

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