Friday, September 18, 2020


"... In my opinion, much of the new scholarship about white people and western civilization is projection on the part of female and nonwhite academics.  Having become obsessed with race, gender, or both, they assume that western civilization has been equally obsessed with those categories.  In fact it has been less obsessed with them than any other--which is why the ideas of racial and gender equality are almost unique to the West.

"The belief that group oppression lies at the foundation of our economy had society has deeply affected how we see economic and social problems.  If one has already concluded that the oppression of women or black people is a given, then any disparity in their incomes, poverty rates, incarceration or health must be due to that oppression, which becomes the fault of white people in general or white males in particular--whether they know it or not...." David Kaiser

NPR can get away with airing and publishing something like Osterweil's transsexual licentious Freudian left diatribe on looting, or the NYT the 1619 Project, and various BLM articles, espousing black gay and other discrimination and action, and demonstrably false history, pretending racism and various discriminations and disadvantages worldwide are only about white men, while private bloggers are hamstrung by Google's cancel culture postmodern Amherst Common Language Guide ideology, a failed ideology which David Kaiser describes on his blog.

Substantial racial and historical differences exist among and between civilizations and races, as much research in the past 15 years has now made plain, especially David Reich and Nicholas Wade's works and references. 

It is no longer remotely tenable to claim that all differences among peoples are societally and not genetically determined.

Trying to ignore it is rather like trying to deny climate change.

The private citizen does not have free speech or press or web neutrality. 

Only the big boys have that. The big media companies, plus Google, Facebook, etc.

Arguing with folks at some place like Google would be like pissing in the wind, because so many of them are undoubtedly folks of color who think any argument against white Western civilization having ever been better or genetically more advanced must be wrong and unethical, but much more importantly, against their self centered racially motivated interests. 

As David Kaiser so tellingly has put it: Like arguing against their "self-interested and self-centered activism"

Rather like arguing against Fareed Zakaria, at the Oxford Union, against ever more migrations of color into Europe. Pissing in the wind.

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