Why not speculate further that such a deed cost Moses' descendants the High Priestly Office to the Aaronid priests, who then dominated subsequent Jewish history.

And what of the Snow White Miriam?
Now, think about Reich's account.
What would the Hebrews have said had there been a dark Flores Hobbit wife offered to, (counterfactually, hypothetically) or taken by, Moses? ( The Flores Hobbits only went extinct 17,000 years ago, Moses lived supposedly circa 13,000, only 4,000 years apart.)
Reich speculates whether ancient West Eurasians, 14,000 years ago, would have considered their component populations different races.
Would Hebrews 13,000 years ago, speculating on races, have even considered a Hobbit wife of Moses a member of any human race?
It seems unlikely.
The argument would be the same, were it an African pygmy, from either 13,000 years ago or from today.
Of course, with Moses and Aaron, we are not really talking about individuals, but rather about the sociology of prehistoric populations, or rather perhaps of factions within and or between populations, populations with differing ethnic and racial characteristics.
It seems from what Biblical record we have that the nation of Israel considered itself light skinned, and that it turned away, for whatever reasons, or for no reasons, from mixing with negroes at the dawn of history.
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