Monday, September 30, 2019
Thomas L Friedman, Turns my stomach.
State was filled with Communists. Haynes and Klehr talk mostly only about the actual agents within state, but in several cases they were very senior officials who were in a position to hire favored folks. Index, "State department, Soviet agents in", see especially p 200 to 206.
Re McCarthy's persecution of the China Hands as Communists in the State Department, it is not as if this is some recherche faux notion.
The Department of State was legendary from the early 20th Century as a left leaning institution within a left leaning federal government.
To say that State, in the 30s no less than in the 50s, was filled with Communists, was not something outlandish at all, but rather just something common knowledge, and for them a badge of honor, in the Beltway and among also left leaning journalists and academics.
The Venona Secrets, p 138, 139, VENONA Decoding Soviet Espionage In America, p 244 to 247.
Also an Edward Kennedy Soviet connection.....
I F. Stone, another agent.....
Also an Edward Kennedy Soviet connection.....
I F. Stone, another agent.....
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Why not smoke Liberace's lieo NYT globalist (anti nationalist, but Brooks' brand of nationalism is globalism in disguise) anti race, unirace, unrace in general, out?
Let's smoke him out:
Why not rampant Muslim racialism and religious intolerance?
Why not Chinese incredible yellow racism? They consider ethnic Chinese Chinese, anywhere in the world, and forever!
Why Not Japanese or Korean or Vietnamese racisms? Ain't there a lot of em!
Why not pan Slavic racism and ethnocentrism?
Why not the new negro African anti white racism, now in full swing?
Why not Mesoamerica Indian racism, spreading North now?
Why not Hindu racism?
Why not especially Israeli religious and blood racism?
Why not?
As Liberace now regularly says,
"Why not open up the conversation?"
Liberace and the NYT are the unwitting liberal stooges of the avalanche of different racialists of color or ethnicity or religion, all over the world, who love for organs like the NYT to run down its own white racial background and heritage while their foreign brands of race religion and ethnicity flourish in the gathering racial and cultural vacuum of the White West.
Liberace is rather like what Douglas had called, in the 1850s, Black Republicans, the one trick new party sectional ponies of abolitionism, traitors of their own race, which became crystal clear when they put freed slaves in charge of the occupied South.
Why not smoke Liberace's lieo NYT globalist (anti nationalist, but Brooks' brand of nationalism is globalism in disguise) anti race, unirace, unrace in general, out?
Let's smoke him out:
Why not rampant Muslim racialism and religious intolerance?
Let's smoke him out:
Why not rampant Muslim racialism and religious intolerance?
Why not Chinese incredible yellow racism? They consider ethnic Chinese Chinese, anywhere in the world, and forever!
Why Not Japanese or Korean or Vietnamese racisms? Ain't there a lot of em!
Why not pan Slavic racism and ethnocentrism?
Why not the new negro African anti white racism, now in full swing?
Why not the new negro African anti white racism, now in full swing?
Why not Mesoamerica Indian racism, spreading North now?
Why not Hindu racism?
Why not especially Israeli religious and blood racism?
Why not?
As Liberace now regularly says,
"Why not open up the conversation?"
Liberace and the NYT are the unwitting liberal stooges of the avalanche of different racialists of color or ethnicity or religion, all over the world, who love for organs like the NYT to run down its own white racial background and heritage while their foreign brands of race religion and ethnicity flourish in the gathering racial and cultural vacuum of the White West.
Liberace is rather like what Douglas had called, in the 1850s, Black Republicans, the one trick new party sectional ponies of abolitionism, traitors of their own race, which became crystal clear when they put freed slaves in charge of the occupied South.
As Liberace now regularly says,
"Why not open up the conversation?"
Liberace and the NYT are the unwitting liberal stooges of the avalanche of different racialists of color or ethnicity or religion, all over the world, who love for organs like the NYT to run down its own white racial background and heritage while their foreign brands of race religion and ethnicity flourish in the gathering racial and cultural vacuum of the White West.
Liberace is rather like what Douglas had called, in the 1850s, Black Republicans, the one trick new party sectional ponies of abolitionism, traitors of their own race, which became crystal clear when they put freed slaves in charge of the occupied South.
Friday, April 7, 2017
Why you might ask have I talked here and there about the prospect of partitioning Russia after the Russian Revolution and WWI? It sounds to almost all Americans like it would have been a crazy idea. We thought Russia, especially Bolshevik Russia rather than Czarist Russia, was great.
Everyone in Europe had known for a couple of hundred years by then the threat Russia had posed and would pose to the West.
Only states like the US were innocent of such insights. They thought it was great that their new friend Lenin was threatening to eliminate all the detested Western Imperialist empires once and for all!
Sunday, September 29, 2019
And it has been with genuine bewilderment that they find themselves today so generally reviled as its inheritor....."
Terms search: grateful
And it has been with genuine bewilderment that they find themselves today so generally reviled as its inheritor....."
Sir Michael Howard, Lessons Of History, "1945--End of an Era?":"Only one thing could have prolonged the existence of the European Empires---the continuing approval and support of the United States. It was the denial of that support that spelled the end of the old European Empires. The citizens of the United States had not joined in the Second World War to prop up a system of imperial domination against which they had been the first people to revolt. And it has been with genuine bewilderment that they find themselves today so generally reviled as its inheritor....."
"Vicious from the moment of their birth....."
Slave owners at Natchez thought they had the happiest negroes ever.
They probably were, compared to life in Africa!
If there were unhappy negroes there, they were some other slave owners', not theirs!
Every owner thought his own slaves were happy.
Jump to
David Reich type account of population mixing, North India.
Very like W Eurasians over ANI, but colors in reverse, Black Over White.
These negroes were all going to throw over their own negro women and take white wives!
They probably were, compared to life in Africa!
If there were unhappy negroes there, they were some other slave owners', not theirs!
Every owner thought his own slaves were happy.
Jump to
David Reich type account of population mixing, North India.
Very like W Eurasians over ANI, but colors in reverse, Black Over White.
These negroes were all going to throw over their own negro women and take white wives!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Let's sketch briefly one image here that must resonate across God's country.
The story still being told is that if only more clever entrepreneurs would come forward, and create, that things would improve drastically overnight.
One problem with this frankly utopian propaganda chimera, has to do with the stubborn refusal of banks, now fat from federal money from the bailout, to get back to lending in the marketplace, ostensibly because of all the super high risk kinds of businesses out there, like restaurants, bars, discos, retail of all kinds, etc, etc., whereas doctors' offices, lawyers, less so ostensibly.
Thus, our Maverick is starved of good old fashioned grub.
Mis En scene for a cartoon:
We show the Maverick Executive Thurston Macaire, inside a bank lobby, at a teller window. He is dressed in a bedraggled wide striped seersucker suit and tie, but with cowboy boots, a ten gallon hat, and a gun belt visible.
The sign above the window says 'Entrepreneurs' Window'. He is at it.
He's got his big six shooter pulled from its holster, and trained on a bitter looking middle aged looking well dressed woman with horn rimmed glasses and a boufant behind the window. She is disgusted, but appears unphased by this confrontation, as if it happens every day.
The caption above:
The Maverick Executive's Stimulus Package
The one below, which he is saying:
"Never Mind What I want It For.
It's Going To A Good Cause."
The story still being told is that if only more clever entrepreneurs would come forward, and create, that things would improve drastically overnight.
One problem with this frankly utopian propaganda chimera, has to do with the stubborn refusal of banks, now fat from federal money from the bailout, to get back to lending in the marketplace, ostensibly because of all the super high risk kinds of businesses out there, like restaurants, bars, discos, retail of all kinds, etc, etc., whereas doctors' offices, lawyers, less so ostensibly.
Thus, our Maverick is starved of good old fashioned grub.
Mis En scene for a cartoon:
We show the Maverick Executive Thurston Macaire, inside a bank lobby, at a teller window. He is dressed in a bedraggled wide striped seersucker suit and tie, but with cowboy boots, a ten gallon hat, and a gun belt visible.
The sign above the window says 'Entrepreneurs' Window'. He is at it.
He's got his big six shooter pulled from its holster, and trained on a bitter looking middle aged looking well dressed woman with horn rimmed glasses and a boufant behind the window. She is disgusted, but appears unphased by this confrontation, as if it happens every day.
The caption above:
The Maverick Executive's Stimulus Package
The one below, which he is saying:
"Never Mind What I want It For.
It's Going To A Good Cause."
Terms search: negrocracy, Harlem Renaissance negrocracy.
The Harlem one was not the first here.
The Reconstruction one came first.
See Wikipedia.........
The Harlem one was not the first here.
The Reconstruction one came first.
See Wikipedia.........
Muslims, arabs, Jews, Asians, Hindus, and negroes are pouring in from everywhere.
Think: Late Roman Empire
Their social services and welfare state needs, and nowadays reparations and subsidy demands, and other foreign sectional and party political forum demands, will cost you very very much more than their labor benefits could in your wildest imagination be worth, and the social instability created by their migration, and their very presence among you in ever increasing numbers, will, in the long run, dwarf that.
They want to use your liberal societies as a site to advance their intra and inter civilizational rivalry and imperialist agendas, and to weaken the hold of the West on any of them to exercise a free hand against any other.
Gandhi was in the vanguard of those who used the West in this way.
The Zionists were somewhat before Gandhi.
They were aided and abetted by Western left, communist, and liberal sentiment, enabling them to advance their respective agendas even from within the West, and with its own resources, rather than having to rely on their own undeveloped jungle states and backward economies.
Think: Late Roman Empire
Their social services and welfare state needs, and nowadays reparations and subsidy demands, and other foreign sectional and party political forum demands, will cost you very very much more than their labor benefits could in your wildest imagination be worth, and the social instability created by their migration, and their very presence among you in ever increasing numbers, will, in the long run, dwarf that.
They want to use your liberal societies as a site to advance their intra and inter civilizational rivalry and imperialist agendas, and to weaken the hold of the West on any of them to exercise a free hand against any other.
Gandhi was in the vanguard of those who used the West in this way.
The Zionists were somewhat before Gandhi.
They were aided and abetted by Western left, communist, and liberal sentiment, enabling them to advance their respective agendas even from within the West, and with its own resources, rather than having to rely on their own undeveloped jungle states and backward economies.
She chose not, whether Jefferson lied or not, does not matter.
She, if free, would probably have ended up back in Africa, or worse.
As it was, she was better off than 99% of white people in America. Almost half of them were in bondage.
She was the half sister of his deceased white wife.
It is easy to suggest that she may have felt a moral, even familial, connection, or perhaps, obligation, although ravished at a young age.
Think about it.
She, if free, would probably have ended up back in Africa, or worse.
As it was, she was better off than 99% of white people in America. Almost half of them were in bondage.
She was the half sister of his deceased white wife.
It is easy to suggest that she may have felt a moral, even familial, connection, or perhaps, obligation, although ravished at a young age.
Think about it.
Normally, it had only been foreign enemy combatants who, for very obvious reasons, had offered to free american negro slaves.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
"White colonists interpreted as treachery the decision of the Governor of Virginia, Lord Dunmore, in November 1775, to offer emancipation to slaves who rallied to the British cause." Clark
And so it was. " Lincoln's Treachery " against the descendants of his own electorate, his own Northern white constituency, under our system, as distinct from the British system.
His was a sectional party, our first, and his a sectional, though unionist, mandate.
The big difference re treachery: the British had compensated British slave owners, and had done so not as a tactic in military manoeuvres.
His was a sectional party, our first, and his a sectional, though unionist, mandate.
The big difference re treachery: the British had compensated British slave owners, and had done so not as a tactic in military manoeuvres.
Lord Dunmore's offer of emancipation to Virginia negro slave was "... not to help the black man...", (cf DK excerpt) but to help the white Northern loyalists, and his own white British troops, against white Northern rebels,
'Even in the northern states where black citizens theoretically enjoyed equal rights, he reported, they were too afraid to assert them. Those states that had abolished slavery had done so not to help the black man, but to help the white, both by leaving free labor without the competition of slaves and by eliminating the corrupting influence of owning slaves upon the whites.' DK, re Tocqueville, 2016
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Sunday, February 10, 2019
Tim Mahoney, former Retired DoD Security Professional
Answered Apr 15, 2018 · Author has 676 answers and 101.2k answer views
"The Emancipation Proclamation freed only slaves living in territory behind Confederate battle lines. Slaves in Union controlled border states like Maryland had to wait for the Thirteenth Amendment for their freedom. It was purely a political document intended to keep Britain and France from formally recognizing and allying with the Confederates. It put the conflict on a higher moral plane, since both Britain and France had abolished slavery.
Nevertheless, it was almost as unpopular in the North as it was in the South, especially in major cities like New York. The infamous NYC draft riots of July, 1863 were fueled by intense anger by Irish immigrants who were being drafted and dying in job lots now to free blacks who, after the war, would swarm into cities like New York and take THEIR jobs. (Which, ironically, is pretty much what happened!) The rioting was so widespread and severe that Lincoln had to divert Union troops fresh from the battlefield at Gettysburg to quell the violence."
The tendency of Britain and France was to ally with the South, because of slavery used in cotton production on which both relied. His account above of Lincoln freeing the slaves thus was seen by these powers as queering their main motive to intervene.
As the account above points out, with examples, Lincoln's dick move queered all white Americans both North and South, even more than it queered Britain and France, which would easily get over it.
America never got over it.
He screwed all Americans much more than he screwed the British, or the French.
That's why I call it: The Super Dick Move
The tendency of Britain and France was to ally with the South, because of slavery used in cotton production on which both relied. His account above of Lincoln freeing the slaves thus was seen by these powers as queering their main motive to intervene.
As the account above points out, with examples, Lincoln's dick move queered all white Americans both North and South, even more than it queered Britain and France, which would easily get over it.
America never got over it.
He screwed all Americans much more than he screwed the British, or the French.
That's why I call it: The Super Dick Move
More than five million primary school age children in Pakistan are not in school, most of them are girls, according to Human Rights Watch.
Saturday, September 28, 2019

I am his lawyer, at left, in the checkered shirt.
She deserved death. It was a kind of mercy killing according to Hindu religion.
You cannot tell from this photo, but we are both midgets. I am a little taller.
Long ago, in high school and after, two different ones were personal friends, confidantes, back then, though haven't seen now for many years. Very different, equally agonizing, conversations.
Though in different ways, things were never actually anything like what they seemed to all those around them at the time.

What would the two billion people of color who defecate in the open say to her?
Great job?
Terms search: grateful
Perhaps someone like David Reich would be tickled by this determination.
Friday, September 27, 2019
It seems to me, without knowing much about it, that the Democrats have as much or more to lose from this escapade in Ukraine than Trump Republicans, in the long run.
Biden is on video at some conference crowing about withholding a billion dollars, doubtless at President Obama's direction, in exchange for some internal Ukrainian official firing, I think the prosecutor under discussion now, and doubtless also had his son, who sits on a board of a gas company in Ukraine, a non public official, involved covertly as well.
"...They don't really know, to tell the truth, what an ambassador is for...." George F. Kennan, 'Flashacks'
"...That is not all. To be offended by the subversion of our constitutional order, the public needs to understand and revere it. It no longer does. The Constitution--or at least, the 20th century interpretation of it--has been under attack for decades by the Right, who want to cripple the federal power to regulate the economy (something which, by the way, was well established at the time the Constitution was adopted.) Increasingly university students learn nothing about the Constitution except that it did not specifically enshrine equal rights for female and black inhabitants of the country. The reverence for the Constitution that Lincoln used to fight and win the civil war, that civil rights leaders exploited in the middle of the twentieth century, and that Sam Ervin and others used to bring down Nixon, is almost absent from our public discussions today. It will not bring the necessary Senate Republicans over to the side of conviction...." DK
I would point out here the unfortunate Whig partisan bias in this account, though true, of attacks on the Constitution, and to present at least a thumbnail sketch of the enormous but often glossed over attacks on the constitution from both the liberal center, and from the left including the infiltrated Soviet communist left, which, if anything, have been more devastating, than the much more recent and much weaker attacks on the constitution from the Right.
Thumbnail sketch coming soon.
"There was at Yalta specifically talk of a supranational body that would prevent outbreaks of future warfare and ensure the universal reign of justice. (The subject had earlier been raised at Quebec and Teheran.) This was a chief preoccupation of FDR, who in emulation of Woodrow Wilson before him thought the founding of such an agency would be his great legacy to the future." Stalin's Secret Agents, p. 15
You see here that the left liberal project, going back to the American Rebellion and the French Revolution, was deeply skeptical of all states having any strength, or even for example having a standing army at all. They rebelled against monarchy.
So, the American Constitution showed on its face these concerns, even while at the same time establishing a state which, by the time of Lincoln, a liberal like Bobbitt could dub the first nation state of terror, the very thing that later liberal leaders like Wilson and FDR were subsequently determined to restrict in the 20th Century by universalist multinational anti nationalist organizations and institutions.
So, when you hear Professor Kaiser criticize modern Republicans regarding lack of reverence for the Constitution that Lincoln used and abused, think about the bigger picture of lack of respect for the constitution that has always been there, since before 1776, from the left, which, for many here in the 20th Century, saw world Communism as the best answer to the problems of imperialism, nationalism, as well as the new thing called Fascism.
When Wilson called for self determination, that is, liberation from imperial mega states, and the creation of nation states, the very thing that liberals came to abhor, remember that Wilson's exhortation came with its own anti nation state strings attached, binding those newly free nations, to new multinational organizations and institutions restricting any nation's constitution, including ours, as much as they felt it utilitarian (quite the correct term) to do.
"...The Constitution--or at least, the 20th century interpretation of it--has been under attack for decades by the Right, who want to cripple the federal power to regulate the economy (something which, by the way, was well established at the time the Constitution was adopted.)..." DK
This passage has some special issues I will touch on.
For a long time, the federal government did not even have much of a budget. It was a constant problem.
Until after the Civil War, citizens of states referred to the country as these several states.
State economies were considered the relevant units by everyone except those in Washington. There was little federal largesse.
The power to regulate the economy was always limited, in principle in the constitution. The federal power to regulate commercial relations received a highly doubtful interpretation improperly enacted after the Civil War, when what powers the federal government had had, and which had usually lain dormant, were actuated in connection with other agendas regarding interstate commerce.
Regarding reverence, one can scarcely look further than J G Randall's The Civil War and Reconstruction, especially Ch XXXV Postwar Politics and Constitutional Change. Randall wrote a separate full length book on constitutional problems created by and during that era.
The last thing white Northern Republicans who had elected Lincoln would have wanted was to have white Southerners removed from the franchise and from political office, and have freed negroes enfranchised to vote in their place and to hold offices they had been deprived of.
Nothing further from the intention of the founders and drafters of the Constitution can possibly be imagined, except perhaps say a full fledged negro monarchy, a Negrocracy, rather than merely puppet negro state and local governments.
We have been the laughingstock of the entire world, not just the Western world, ever since.
We have long privately been laughed at especially by negro dictators, who have been quick, over many decades, to take our dumb foreign negro aid.
Matter of fact, we have payed more to foreign negroes than to our own! Trust me!
Thumbnail sketch coming soon.
"There was at Yalta specifically talk of a supranational body that would prevent outbreaks of future warfare and ensure the universal reign of justice. (The subject had earlier been raised at Quebec and Teheran.) This was a chief preoccupation of FDR, who in emulation of Woodrow Wilson before him thought the founding of such an agency would be his great legacy to the future." Stalin's Secret Agents, p. 15
You see here that the left liberal project, going back to the American Rebellion and the French Revolution, was deeply skeptical of all states having any strength, or even for example having a standing army at all. They rebelled against monarchy.
So, the American Constitution showed on its face these concerns, even while at the same time establishing a state which, by the time of Lincoln, a liberal like Bobbitt could dub the first nation state of terror, the very thing that later liberal leaders like Wilson and FDR were subsequently determined to restrict in the 20th Century by universalist multinational anti nationalist organizations and institutions.
So, when you hear Professor Kaiser criticize modern Republicans regarding lack of reverence for the Constitution that Lincoln used and abused, think about the bigger picture of lack of respect for the constitution that has always been there, since before 1776, from the left, which, for many here in the 20th Century, saw world Communism as the best answer to the problems of imperialism, nationalism, as well as the new thing called Fascism.
When Wilson called for self determination, that is, liberation from imperial mega states, and the creation of nation states, the very thing that liberals came to abhor, remember that Wilson's exhortation came with its own anti nation state strings attached, binding those newly free nations, to new multinational organizations and institutions restricting any nation's constitution, including ours, as much as they felt it utilitarian (quite the correct term) to do.
"...The Constitution--or at least, the 20th century interpretation of it--has been under attack for decades by the Right, who want to cripple the federal power to regulate the economy (something which, by the way, was well established at the time the Constitution was adopted.)..." DK
This passage has some special issues I will touch on.
For a long time, the federal government did not even have much of a budget. It was a constant problem.
Until after the Civil War, citizens of states referred to the country as these several states.
State economies were considered the relevant units by everyone except those in Washington. There was little federal largesse.
The power to regulate the economy was always limited, in principle in the constitution. The federal power to regulate commercial relations received a highly doubtful interpretation improperly enacted after the Civil War, when what powers the federal government had had, and which had usually lain dormant, were actuated in connection with other agendas regarding interstate commerce.
Regarding reverence, one can scarcely look further than J G Randall's The Civil War and Reconstruction, especially Ch XXXV Postwar Politics and Constitutional Change. Randall wrote a separate full length book on constitutional problems created by and during that era.
The last thing white Northern Republicans who had elected Lincoln would have wanted was to have white Southerners removed from the franchise and from political office, and have freed negroes enfranchised to vote in their place and to hold offices they had been deprived of.
Nothing further from the intention of the founders and drafters of the Constitution can possibly be imagined, except perhaps say a full fledged negro monarchy, a Negrocracy, rather than merely puppet negro state and local governments.
We have been the laughingstock of the entire world, not just the Western world, ever since.
We have long privately been laughed at especially by negro dictators, who have been quick, over many decades, to take our dumb foreign negro aid.
Matter of fact, we have payed more to foreign negroes than to our own! Trust me!
She says things any idiot could have seen for decades, in fact since WWII, and to some extent since WWI, and the late 19th Century, for very obvious reasons.
The liberalism in the West that engendered the current global collapse of a liberally constructed globalism you see, goes back to the 18th Century, to the Age of the Democratic Revolution, then rolls forward.
Thunberg's very emergence as a dissenting spokesperson is itself a symptom of that liberal ideology, with its enervating modern and postmodern traditions of free heterodoxy and dissent, which she decries.
She and those like her cannot solve anything now. But they don't know that. Or do they? Maybe she knows.
Lecturing a bunch of liberals on their weakness is rather like pissing in the wind.
Lecturing a bunch of liberals on their weakness is rather like pissing in the wind.
Friday, September 27, 2019
A topic I have mentioned here at times here and there usually re other topics.
I have gotten a copy of Stalin's Secret Agents. It is a reprise, but also a reinterpretation of earlier disclosures regarding Soviet penetration.
Especially interesting re the back and forth w DK re Trump's Real Analog post comments.
One even has to distinguish between mere communist fellow travellers, of whom there were the most, from spies who usually doubled as agents of influence in official positions, of whom there were dozens everywhere which formed a strategic corp really.
These are more important distinctions than one might think.
The Soviets actually took down our State Department block by block from within our own government regarding anti Soviet views there. See Evans, Romerstein, Ch 19. Kennan complained bitterly about it in his Memoirs. They cite to his remarks there.
There is a note, a footnote, in Ch 19 re Drew Pearson's aggressive crusades in these pro soviet initiatives.
Professor Kaiser has lavishly praised Pearson, a pro Soviet journalist, on his blog.
Pearson took down Patton, probably on orders through David Karr. Does it not raise a question?
There is a great irony here, re Trump's pathetic and ostensibly impeacheable efforts to remove a Ukrainian prosecutor ostensibly adverse to Moscow.
How paltry and pathetic by comparison with what was done to us, from within, by the Soviets for most of the 20th Century.
Professor Kaiser has lavishly praised Pearson, a pro Soviet journalist, on his blog.
Pearson took down Patton, probably on orders through David Karr. Does it not raise a question?
There is a great irony here, re Trump's pathetic and ostensibly impeacheable efforts to remove a Ukrainian prosecutor ostensibly adverse to Moscow.
How paltry and pathetic by comparison with what was done to us, from within, by the Soviets for most of the 20th Century.
Monday, December 10, 2018
Haynes, Ch 8 re journalists, p 240 and following, re Karr and the Pearsons.
Karr was Pearson's chief aide, and a Soviet agent. How do you have a close aide like that and not be a secret communist?
Certainly the Soviets believed he was firmly on their side, probably long before he hired Karr.
If Pearson wasn't a communist, he certainly put on a good act, masquerading, time after time, from a communist perspective and against anti communist targets, in his columns.
He ruined Patton, drove Forrestal to suicide, as his own partner Anderson admitted, and besmirched countless others.
Joe McCarthy had his number as, at the very least, a sympathetic and willing chump stooge of Stalin, although he wasn't believed at the time. Haynes, Venona, p. 245.
Drew Pearson Fallacy
Karr was Pearson's chief aide, and a Soviet agent. How do you have a close aide like that and not be a secret communist?
Certainly the Soviets believed he was firmly on their side, probably long before he hired Karr.
If Pearson wasn't a communist, he certainly put on a good act, masquerading, time after time, from a communist perspective and against anti communist targets, in his columns.
He ruined Patton, drove Forrestal to suicide, as his own partner Anderson admitted, and besmirched countless others.
Joe McCarthy had his number as, at the very least, a sympathetic and willing chump stooge of Stalin, although he wasn't believed at the time. Haynes, Venona, p. 245.
Drew Pearson Fallacy
Saturday, November 11, 2017
It has come out, over the years that the OSS, at the highest level, collaborated with Russia to remove and then to kill Patton.
The Americans themselves seem to have carried out this murder, although the details are shrouded in almost as much confusion as the JFK assassination.
The explanation given to Bazata by Donovan was that he was dangerous and deranged.
Drew Pearson was the slut patsy chosen by the OSS to convey this false story, couched appealingly in the Jewish private slapping story, (who was ill but nobody knew that or cared) to the eager libertarian American public.
One obvious question: Who was more dangerous and deranged? Patton or Eisenhower?
Patton had begged Eisenhower to take Berlin, and other Eastern European capitols. So, it seems, had Montgomery to his superiors.
Eisenhower saw no use in taking Berlin, or any other place over there.
So, was Montgomery deranged too?
What has any of that, really, frankly, to do with slapping an ill Jewish, yellow belly, Army, Drew Pearson bait, buck private?
Let's change tack, for a moment. Call it a pivot!
Why would you collaborate with the Soviets re Europe, killing Patton, giving Eastern Europe to them, when they had just, just rammed Japan all the way up your ass in the Pacific, resulting in a terrible life and death struggle in Asia?
What rational person would do that?
Let's change tack: whom do you, only now, believe less:
The NYT in 1964 re Kitty Genovese?
Drew Pearson in say 1944, re Patton?
Pearson was no more, and no less, self centered and unscrupulous, in 1944, and it would be really hard to ever be more self centered or unscrupulous than he, than the NYT had been in 1937, or 1964, or 2016.
Jefferson, also, re self centered and unscrupulous, had talked a good talk, Declaration of Independence, etc.
But he had kept his own slaves to the end, baby!
Terms search: pivot
Monday, March 12, 2018
Leonhardt defines his and Iglesias' fallacy, 'The tendency to confuse one's own policy wishes with good political advice' much much too narrowly.
He is talking only about the fallacies the pundit himself makes!
Matthew Iglesias: The Pundity Fallacy: “The pundit’s fallacy is that belief that what a politician needs to do to improve his or her political standing is do what the pundit wants substantively.”
My own definition of The Pundit Fallacy really includes the whole American political system:
The Pundit Fallacy is
The American Political System Fallacy, in many ways.
Americans tend to believe their pundits, regardless of which side they seem on, on any issue at all, at any one time, and to rely on them, and especially on their flawed evanescent, blinkered, myopic but kaleidoscopic pundit reasoning, for the correction and maintenance of their weak and palsied political system.
That is what I mean by The Pundit Fallacy.
Punditocracy: A society that believes its pundits.
One really good example: The Patton Slapping Story that Pearson 'broke'. Pearson was not a hero, but rather a corrupt self aggrandizing slut. The story was fed to him by Bolshevik loving FDR administration operatives under the sway of Stalin.
Looked at this way, Pearson was nothing more than a hapless Stalin stooge, much as Trump, by his own efforts, plus the media he hates, seems now to be getting painted into a Putin stooge box.
Our media however, by the way, is no less a group of stooges now, as back then.
The Kitty Genovese Story, another media fiasco leaving egg on countless faces, including Bobbitt's. Yet the author of the Genovese Story retired from the NYT, after a long and successful career, and died, a hero. The verdict of history!
One really good example: The Patton Slapping Story that Pearson 'broke'. Pearson was not a hero, but rather a corrupt self aggrandizing slut. The story was fed to him by Bolshevik loving FDR administration operatives under the sway of Stalin.
Looked at this way, Pearson was nothing more than a hapless Stalin stooge, much as Trump, by his own efforts, plus the media he hates, seems now to be getting painted into a Putin stooge box.
Our media however, by the way, is no less a group of stooges now, as back then.
The Kitty Genovese Story, another media fiasco leaving egg on countless faces, including Bobbitt's. Yet the author of the Genovese Story retired from the NYT, after a long and successful career, and died, a hero. The verdict of history!
Terms seearch: punditocracy, Drew Pearson fallacy, Fallows Fallacy, Brooks Fallacy, mutton busting, etc
Friday, November 9, 2018
Drew Pearson, David Karr
Pearson was, at best, an eager stooge of the Soviets, at worst, a Soviet agent himself along with his source. His relationship with Karr certainly must have been a close one.
That was certainly the role he played in getting Patton relieved of battlefield command, and then killed. Terms search: Target Patton, Drew Pearson fallacy
The hot, fetid, breath of closer scrutiny.......
Pearson was, at best, an eager stooge of the Soviets, at worst, a Soviet agent himself along with his source. His relationship with Karr certainly must have been a close one.
That was certainly the role he played in getting Patton relieved of battlefield command, and then killed. Terms search: Target Patton, Drew Pearson fallacy
The hot, fetid, breath of closer scrutiny.......
Friday, July 25, 2014
See the discussion between Patton and Under Secretary of War Patterson, May 7 1945, The Patton Papers 1940-1945, p. 697.
If you happen to read this passage, then ask yourself: 'Whom do I believe, Patterson or Patton?'
See prior post, re whether to take Berlin, Patton Eisenhower.
See also: Drew Pearson
My favorite, so far, is Jack Anderson (Pearson's partner), on Pearson, on Forrestal's death.
See also especially Soviet Japanese Neutrality Pact 1941.
If you happen to read this passage, then ask yourself: 'Whom do I believe, Patterson or Patton?'
See prior post, re whether to take Berlin, Patton Eisenhower.
See also: Drew Pearson
My favorite, so far, is Jack Anderson (Pearson's partner), on Pearson, on Forrestal's death.
See also especially Soviet Japanese Neutrality Pact 1941.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Couple of things jump out at you. I have not followed this matter really.
He definitely was a spy.
He was killed, moreover, more or less publicly, in England, in a way which simultaneously uncovered him to have been a spy.
In a sense, then, he was outed, as he was killed.
It seems to me therefore that someone was sending a message by his death to others.
What other conclusions could one reach?
It would have been easy to have killed him privately, but that was not done.
Patton, not a spy, you know, was privately killed, by 'truck', or rather, finished off secretly in hospital, after truck.
No one, on either side, say three sides or more, then or later, wanted his death to be thought anything other than an unfortunate accident, except perhaps, only much later, Douglas Bazata, whose conscience bothered him, if one believes Target Patton. Question: what indicia of reliability should one attach to such an account, Wilcox's, especially re Bazata ? Such indicia are well known. They have been used in biblical scholarship, and elsewhere, for decades. Maybe someone more well versed than myself in these historical corroboration matters can address such questions. Re The Drew Pearson Fallacy in this connection, see Wikipedia Drew Pearson.
Here was Bazata's obituary:
He definitely was a spy.
He was killed, moreover, more or less publicly, in England, in a way which simultaneously uncovered him to have been a spy.
In a sense, then, he was outed, as he was killed.
It seems to me therefore that someone was sending a message by his death to others.
What other conclusions could one reach?
It would have been easy to have killed him privately, but that was not done.
Patton, not a spy, you know, was privately killed, by 'truck', or rather, finished off secretly in hospital, after truck.
No one, on either side, say three sides or more, then or later, wanted his death to be thought anything other than an unfortunate accident, except perhaps, only much later, Douglas Bazata, whose conscience bothered him, if one believes Target Patton. Question: what indicia of reliability should one attach to such an account, Wilcox's, especially re Bazata ? Such indicia are well known. They have been used in biblical scholarship, and elsewhere, for decades. Maybe someone more well versed than myself in these historical corroboration matters can address such questions. Re The Drew Pearson Fallacy in this connection, see Wikipedia Drew Pearson.
Here was Bazata's obituary:
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