Saturday, January 12, 2019

Friday, February 16, 2018


"Today much of the left believes in a world where virtue or the lack of it is defined by skin color, gender, and sexual orientation." DK

I would go, and have gone, a little further, perhaps too far, in this sort of analysis of globalist leftism:

The good skin color is a blend where no race is distinct, the good gender is at best ambivalent, the good sexual orientation multivalent.

This is an old post of mine on multiculturalism and where it has led: 

"Civilizationalism has become a racial slur under modern American uniracialism, which goes well beyond even the old American multiculturalism, to a whole other unheard of level, and is itself a form of racism, although still well disguised, in that it defines all racial distinctions, for whatever reasons, be they civilizational, national, religious, traditional, historical, ethnic, cultural,  political, or social, other than uniracialism as racist.
That is also why uniracialism is also racist, but in a new way, and is an important implication: uniracialism actively discriminates, both religiously, socially and politically,  against each and every distinct race, either now in being, or ever in being in the past.

Liberty, equality, fraternity, unirace, unitarianism, meltingpot ism"

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