Tuesday, July 23, 2013


While the US, and also its media, all these 5 decades, has continued the drumbeat of anti USSR, and of the Middle East, Israel our special friend, etc.,

things have been slowly but steadily heating up to fever pitch in Asia, a situation we, mainly, fomented, over a long period of time, allowing these regimes, first Japan, Taiwan, then the Tigers, then finally China, etc., to fatten themselves up, at our, and other Western so called allies'  industrial expense.

You don't hear much about it here, because Americans do not really have a clue about it at all. 

Term search: fattening things up, Trading American Interests, etc.

There are also aspects of the Drew Pearson Fallacy, The Vital Center Fallacy,  and other unmentioned at the moment fallacies, at work, in this jaundiced geopolitical long running omission.

soon americans will either be at war, or be told they have already surrendered, in a region they were unaware was of any real threat, except the so called human rights one, where foreign nationals kill or mistreat their own citizens.

Because our regime cannot really address the geo consequences of its profligate Asia boom system, it has to couch any move there as one actuated somehow by human rights, rather than other, more serious, ideological, and geopolitical, causes of global rivalries, left unstated. 'Free rider' is about the only context in which this enormously grave situation has even been uttered over here.

Guess what? That is how they have liked it, for 5+ decades now.

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