Saturday, July 1, 2017


"Only the continued occupation of the South by federal troops, even after states were re-admitted to the Union, gave the (NEWLY FREED) black citizenry and white Republicans (of which there were some!) any chance of exercising their franchise and securing their lives and property..."
"When the southern states, supported by President Johnson, refused to ratify the amendment, the Republican Congressional majority--which grew even larger in the 1866 elections--passed its own Reconstruction plan, putting the South under military rule and insisting that the southern states enfranchise Negroes in new Constitutions before they could send representatives to Congress again. Negro suffrage, sadly, was a measure well in advance of even northern opinion, and the radicals realized by 1867 that it had to be put into the Constitution in order to impose it upon the South. This the 15th Amendment did..."
"...Negro suffrage, sadly, was a measure well in advance of even northern opinion..."
My capitals. My underlining.

"Negro suffrage, well in advance of even northern opinion."

What do you think that implies for the whole Union Civil War project, how it squared with Lincoln's position and Johnson's, how it squared with Lincoln's campaign promises, how it squared with constitutional issues....These are some of the reasons why even liberals like Bobbitt called the Union, even before Radical Republican Reconstruction, the first nation state of terror. See also Mark Moyar.

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