Monday, January 23, 2017


Some fold, some crumple.

There may even be some who do neither, just get a single sheet at a time and try to feel lucky!

There may even be those who use none! (Noble Savage)

Which is best, and why?

My father was taught to fold, use dry at first, then to get more and use as a bath rag, moistened by raking quickly beneath a tiny stream of water at a sink. It improves external hygiene at least.

Those who crinkle cannot see the reason. It is usually not something explained to them. As far as I know, this idea is seldom explained to anyone, anywhere.

If they ever accidentally find out about this other style, say by evidence in facilities insufficiently cleared, they perhaps are appalled, see it as wasteful and unnecessary, if they are philosophers, they may see it as backsliding Cartesianism, and likely to plug facilities...

It is even possible that quantum nuts crinkle on principle!

Perhaps my father was given bad, wasteful, useless, advice.

Somehow, I doubt it.

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