Thursday, July 28, 2016


Grounds for this interpretation are also easy to adduce.

Bobbitt and others have even gone so far as to dub what has emerged 

The Market State.

David Kaiser has a new post, largely about Trump, so here is a postscript to this post, a propos his post:

"And that leads me to perhaps my most important point: Trump's business success could only happen in a business environment in which most of the players had allowed their lust for ever-growing profits to overwhelm their rational faculties." DK

But isn't our political system merely a final working out of Adam Smith's rational, enlightenment laissez faire economic and social principles? The system is based on ever-growing profits for rational self interested actors, like Trump, and for the protection of their property rights. There is little ideological check on enormous profits in the Constitution.

Granted we have moved toward monopoly, cartel-like arrangements, but they are not the result of grants from the crown, although our executive has had no small hand in this kind of trend regarding trade arrangements, but rather more from the working out of market forces favoring over time the concentration of wealth in fewer and fewer hands.

He also gets into, re Schwartz' authorship of The Art Of The Deal, what I have called the Drew Pearson Fallacy, regarding the failed role of the press in the edification of its readership, under laissez faire market conditions for printed matter.

The failed role of the press in this regard goes back certainly to ancient Rome and before.  

Regarding the American Rebellion, Bailyn has some choice passages in Ideological Origins regarding free press causes for colonial unrest stirred up by radical pamphleteers, from the late 1600s to 1776 in England and America.

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