Saturday, April 25, 2015


Is the stake in the heart of those, like Piketty, who believe in globalistically and progressively taxing global elites to fight intra national and inter national income and wealth inequalities, divergences, while nevertheless leaving global free trade convergences untouched.

The average person in the West has much more to fear from average income and wealth convergence, due also to  globalization, than from income and wealth divergence.

Excuses,  agendas, ideologies, and methods for raising the standard of living for poor people everywhere are legion. 

It is a long list: war alliances, free trade including unilateral tariff reductions etc, missionary work and missionary aid including health organizations etc, governmental foreign aid, public development aid, technology transfers both private and public, gifts, favors, peace time alliances, investments, technological innovation not well protected,  development funding, etc.

We have used them all.

If you raise their standard of living, and there are a whole lot more of them than of you, you eventually, in the not too distant future, lower yours by some very substantial amount. Don't take my word for it...look it up. It is also exacerbated by population pressure, which globalization has enabled, and by resource scarcity, same and related causes.

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