Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Because the US started out, and has largely remained, a betrayer of its mother country and that country's Western Civilization, including Wilson's rationale for even entering WWI, and moreover in Roosevelt's attitude to WWII (pro Soviet during) and Truman's Cold War (anti Soviet but also anti Western globalist) after, 

other, quite adversarial, developmentally emerging countries in other civilizations, quite naturally treat it with additional deep skepticism and suspicion, while cleverly aping our flawed human rights vernacular (eg China, yesterday). 

The US' changeable chameleon political system, much like that of France in the age of imperialism and after, and its ambassadorial appointment tradition, complained of in all European great power chanceries according to Kennan ("they don't know what an ambassador is for"), does not inspire confidence anywhere in the West or elsewhere either.

The United States wants each civilization's core state's underclass to rise up against its oppressors (rather as the Soviets' program did in 1917), and to begin to control its politics by American style democratic processes.

The United States is, thus, both a nation state, and a multi civilizational, spoiler, an ideological adversary both of less so called democratic core states in its civilization and others, and of traditional civilizations themselves more generally, going forward. How else could it make the world safe for its unique concept of truly global weak anarchic democracy?

That, I take it, is only one, but a key implication of Huntington's The Clash of Civilizations, when combined with other works on American and European history. 

It shows the US favoring multinational, multi and cross civilizational, electoral and appointive bodies, like the EU, and the WTO,  all controlled ultimately by the so called Party of Davos rather than by elected or appointed officials within, and for, their respective nation states.

Although the US has not liked empires, it has not liked nation states either. It does not like civilizations as such, even its own. It does not like regional multi national trading blocs, really, except as stepping stones to bigger ones. It doesn't like the EU, really.

What's left?

It really loves the brotherhood of man, but not just any kind of man.  It really has to be liberal market capitalist American style democratic man.

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