Friday, May 22, 2015


We will describe a so called game of globalization. It is not a board game, but exists rather in five dimensions.

You can think of it as a sort of language game, also,  in a Wittgensteinian sense, but it is not quite that kind of thing really, either.

There are many players, big and small. They are nations as well as civilizations. 

They try to expand internally and also, as part of this process of internal expansion, they try to consume their intra civilizational and extra civilizational neighbors and others more remote, or to ward them off from consuming them, or more usually both.

We can call it a ball game, or globe ball game, with each player represented as a ball or globe, trying to intrude itself physically into certain other balls or globes around it, either within its civilization, or into other ones, or both.

The balls or globes thus interpenetrate, and are best represented as translucent globes, the aggressor globes penetrating into the interior of the victims, the internal dimensions of each visible based on their translucence, similarly to how Steingart describes the actions of attacker states and their victims. 

Steingart has a series of GDP illustrations in The War For Wealth. I especially like starting with his 2005 illustration, after p 201, to suggest a starting place for this composite image or images I am describing. It is only a mere starting place re relative magnitudes.

Steingart does entitle his work "...why the flat world is cracked", but his images of a three four or five D image for it are absent, and he seems content with a cracked flat world image.

Of course his globes or balls are not translucent, and do not describe the interrelationships I am describing, so that they would have to be drastically modified, by very different illustrations, to achieve the kinds of relationships my conceptions invoke.

They could also be schematized as interpenetrating molecules, at either end of Huntington's 9.1 figure. Show a globule of globes merging at ends of Huntington's 9.1 in 3 D.

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