Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Unfortunately, many of the principles of what I would call American nationalism, are the very principles which have gotten Americans into the economic and ideological messes they are now deeply in.

So, a call to a new American solution, a 'New Deal', or an 'America first' nationalist statist solution, is about the last thing most Americans are well placed to ideologically understand, adopt, or benefit from, going forward.

They are too sold on other, old, individualist, anti-communist, exceptionalist, fundamentalist, hegemonic, ideas.

For Americans, 'team concepts', still ubiquitous, long after their socio-economic efficacy, the lifetime employment they once generally implied, and MBA OB allure, have vanished, are a bankrupt, outdated, and bewildering aggregation of half-baked and now-burnt notions, having little explanatory relevance anymore, but are still relied on everywhere to assert flagging vestigial corporate inclusion, as there is nothing else, no other purely pretextual paradigm, left.

The closest thing Americans have to a nationalistic tradition is perhaps best described by Huntington, Who Are We. It is not very promising as a blueprint for nationalistic ideological coalescence, going forward.

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