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Saturday, November 22, 2014
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Quigley talked about revolutions 'out of order', in the so called developing world.
That was a key insight for its time in the 60s.
What we have seen since the 60s however is a leap frogging over stages of development in various sectors, such that my oft cited lament,
'never in the history of human conflict has so much been given away, to so many, by so few, so quickly, for so little,'
sums up the history since the 60s nicely.
That was a key insight for its time in the 60s.
What we have seen since the 60s however is a leap frogging over stages of development in various sectors, such that my oft cited lament,
'never in the history of human conflict has so much been given away, to so many, by so few, so quickly, for so little,'
sums up the history since the 60s nicely.
The coup de grace was 1945:
"...The citizens of the United States had not joined in the Second World War to prop up a system of imperial domination against which they had been the first people to revolt...." Sir Michael Howard
The universal empire of Western Civilization, in Quigley's terminology, was the British Empire, after 1763, not the Napoleonic, briefly, thereafter.
"...The citizens of the United States had not joined in the Second World War to prop up a system of imperial domination against which they had been the first people to revolt...." Sir Michael Howard
The universal empire of Western Civilization, in Quigley's terminology, was the British Empire, after 1763, not the Napoleonic, briefly, thereafter.
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Wednesday, November 19, 2014
This is the take away, for retards:
We, the United States, by our policies and decisions, almost single handed, through the first half of the century, both forced the dismantling of the Western Imperial system,
while also,
at the same time, almost single handed, at the end of World War II, leaving Russia not only fully intact, Eisenhower foregoing what I call the Patton solution for Russia,
and allowing them to develop nuclear weapons they should never have been able to obtain,
but also in control, not only of all of Eastern,
and even Central Europe,
but also of much of the rest of the truly enormous Eurasian land mass.
In order to try to remedy this incalculable series of blunders, we then boomed, and forced Western Europe to help us boom, all the peripheral areas of the globe not under direct Soviet domination.
This Western booming of the rest has been another incalculable series of blunders for the West, as I have pointed out on this blog many times,
and did not, and will not, in the long run, primarily benefit the West as P Putin (who well knows otherwise) has asserted.
We, the United States, by our policies and decisions, almost single handed, through the first half of the century, both forced the dismantling of the Western Imperial system,
while also,
at the same time, almost single handed, at the end of World War II, leaving Russia not only fully intact, Eisenhower foregoing what I call the Patton solution for Russia,
and allowing them to develop nuclear weapons they should never have been able to obtain,
but also in control, not only of all of Eastern,
and even Central Europe,
but also of much of the rest of the truly enormous Eurasian land mass.
In order to try to remedy this incalculable series of blunders, we then boomed, and forced Western Europe to help us boom, all the peripheral areas of the globe not under direct Soviet domination.
This Western booming of the rest has been another incalculable series of blunders for the West, as I have pointed out on this blog many times,
and did not, and will not, in the long run, primarily benefit the West as P Putin (who well knows otherwise) has asserted.
See DK post. As he says, P Putin makes some good points indeed. I thought this was exceptionally well phrased:
"Today, we already see a sharp increase in the likelihood of a whole set of violent conflicts with either direct or indirect participation by the world’s major powers. And the risk factors include not just traditional multinational conflicts, but also the internal instability in separate states, especially when we talk about nations located at the intersections of major states’ geopolitical interests, or on the border of cultural, historical, and economic civilizational continents."
However, re this passage below, see my comments below
"Sanctions are already undermining the foundations of world trade, the WTO rules and the principle of inviolability of private property. They are dealing a blow to liberal model of globalisation based on markets, freedom and competition, which, let me note, is a model that has primarily benefited precisely the Western countries." P Putin
This, the part which I have underlined, has only seemed to have primarily benefited the Western countries.
This has been the great tragedy of the Cold War, for the West.
President Putin apparently considers his realm, more or less, outside the West, because of that war, and because of antecedent Eurasian history, although he does at one point deny appearing to be turning away from the West.
Stalin, of course, had been able to play off Asia against the West, and vice versa, in World War II. because of its size and expanse, Russia can well and is doing the same now.
This is why we, ' the West ', should have broken Russia up, in 1918, after Lenin came to power, when we had the chance. Not so much to be mean to Russia, but to orient this giant area into differing, and not overbearing, political and civilizational orientations, so to speak.
A Westernized, Western oriented, western area of Russia has been there, on the periphery, or semi periphery, of what has been called Western Civilization, for centuries.
"Today, we already see a sharp increase in the likelihood of a whole set of violent conflicts with either direct or indirect participation by the world’s major powers. And the risk factors include not just traditional multinational conflicts, but also the internal instability in separate states, especially when we talk about nations located at the intersections of major states’ geopolitical interests, or on the border of cultural, historical, and economic civilizational continents."
However, re this passage below, see my comments below
"Sanctions are already undermining the foundations of world trade, the WTO rules and the principle of inviolability of private property. They are dealing a blow to liberal model of globalisation based on markets, freedom and competition, which, let me note, is a model that has primarily benefited precisely the Western countries." P Putin
This, the part which I have underlined, has only seemed to have primarily benefited the Western countries.
This has been the great tragedy of the Cold War, for the West.
President Putin apparently considers his realm, more or less, outside the West, because of that war, and because of antecedent Eurasian history, although he does at one point deny appearing to be turning away from the West.
Stalin, of course, had been able to play off Asia against the West, and vice versa, in World War II. because of its size and expanse, Russia can well and is doing the same now.
This is why we, ' the West ', should have broken Russia up, in 1918, after Lenin came to power, when we had the chance. Not so much to be mean to Russia, but to orient this giant area into differing, and not overbearing, political and civilizational orientations, so to speak.
A Westernized, Western oriented, western area of Russia has been there, on the periphery, or semi periphery, of what has been called Western Civilization, for centuries.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Guess what?
"...But who is the enemy?.....
The enemy is 'everyone',
... over there."
"...But who is the enemy?.....
The enemy is 'everyone',
... over there."
Sunday, November 16, 2014
RE P PUTIN'S SPEECH COLD WAR BOOM a puerile game really
The whole trend was to boom non communists. Europe, mainly.
At first this meant Japan, and a few others.
Then, 72, the outreach to China.
China had not ' converted ', however..............
At first this meant Japan, and a few others.
Then, 72, the outreach to China.
China had not ' converted ', however..............
Saturday, November 15, 2014
"Pardon the analogy, but this is the way nouveaux riches behave when they suddenly end up with a great fortune, in this case, in the shape of world leadership and domination. Instead of managing their wealth wisely, for their own benefit too of course, I think they have committed many follies."
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
“If the people have to choose between a Republican and a Republican, they'll take the Republican every time.”
Hasn’t that been the case since Jimmy Carter. To start, there’s the gutless response of Senate Democrats to the playing of the race card by Clarence Thomas during his Senate confirmation hearings. The silent, relentlessly conservative Thomas is an historical antidote to the progressive achievements of Thurgood Marshall. Compounding this is the failure to block the nominations in subsequent confirmation hearings for John Roberts and especially the right-wing justice, Samuel Alito. The Supreme Court is currently ruled by conservative activists, and with progressive members aging and ailing, is likely to continue to move rightward as a Republican Congress and, possibly, a Republican president dominate politics after 2016. Democrats elected Bill Clinton, the “third way” president who “ended welfare as we know it”, and signed the bill from a Republican congress that repealed Glass/Steagall. Turns out, the third way was to talk progressively and act conservatively; Democrat in name only, and begs the question, is Clinton-the-Lesser any different? The accomplishments of a Republican President, George Bush, who led the US into an expensive and needless war in Iraq, a failed economy, and made the US a diplomatic pariah have been largely buried by time and message. Subsequent to Bush, the House has effectively spiked the wheels of government for four years, and yet, and yet, the electorate turns to Republicans. And yet, the Democratic President, who ended two wars, restored the US economy, made the nation healthier through the ACA and environmental initiatives, led the way on energy independence, stood with gays and immigrants in the fight for equality, repaired America’s international reputation, and fought to restore the kind of vibrant middle class so vital to US prosperity, mostly done with a “do-nothing” Congress, is criticized by Republicans, the press, and now, most noxiously, by Democrats campaigning for office.
The nation is at risk because uber-rich citizens and multi-national businesses own the press, lavishly fund their economic (read political) (and cultural) interests and effectively control the jobs of most of those in Congress, including some cowardly, fraudulent Democrats. The electorate, focused on their jobs and families, isn’t paying attention, or has given up, and has become, therefore, captive in its views to the constant stream of right-wing propaganda (Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, et al). Progressives are hamstrung by their desire for compromise and comity, suspect of battle, waiting for the “long game” that may never come, and are unsupported by those they have placed in office to do good. In this they unwittingly wait for the only event that can interrupt the ultra-conservative time-line, a government response to an uprising by the people. Let’s hope that response, if it comes, looks something like that of Franklin Roosevelt and not like that of Herbert Hoover.
Hasn’t that been the case since Jimmy Carter. To start, there’s the gutless response of Senate Democrats to the playing of the race card by Clarence Thomas during his Senate confirmation hearings. The silent, relentlessly conservative Thomas is an historical antidote to the progressive achievements of Thurgood Marshall. Compounding this is the failure to block the nominations in subsequent confirmation hearings for John Roberts and especially the right-wing justice, Samuel Alito. The Supreme Court is currently ruled by conservative activists, and with progressive members aging and ailing, is likely to continue to move rightward as a Republican Congress and, possibly, a Republican president dominate politics after 2016. Democrats elected Bill Clinton, the “third way” president who “ended welfare as we know it”, and signed the bill from a Republican congress that repealed Glass/Steagall. Turns out, the third way was to talk progressively and act conservatively; Democrat in name only, and begs the question, is Clinton-the-Lesser any different? The accomplishments of a Republican President, George Bush, who led the US into an expensive and needless war in Iraq, a failed economy, and made the US a diplomatic pariah have been largely buried by time and message. Subsequent to Bush, the House has effectively spiked the wheels of government for four years, and yet, and yet, the electorate turns to Republicans. And yet, the Democratic President, who ended two wars, restored the US economy, made the nation healthier through the ACA and environmental initiatives, led the way on energy independence, stood with gays and immigrants in the fight for equality, repaired America’s international reputation, and fought to restore the kind of vibrant middle class so vital to US prosperity, mostly done with a “do-nothing” Congress, is criticized by Republicans, the press, and now, most noxiously, by Democrats campaigning for office.
The nation is at risk because uber-rich citizens and multi-national businesses own the press, lavishly fund their economic (read political) (and cultural) interests and effectively control the jobs of most of those in Congress, including some cowardly, fraudulent Democrats. The electorate, focused on their jobs and families, isn’t paying attention, or has given up, and has become, therefore, captive in its views to the constant stream of right-wing propaganda (Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, et al). Progressives are hamstrung by their desire for compromise and comity, suspect of battle, waiting for the “long game” that may never come, and are unsupported by those they have placed in office to do good. In this they unwittingly wait for the only event that can interrupt the ultra-conservative time-line, a government response to an uprising by the people. Let’s hope that response, if it comes, looks something like that of Franklin Roosevelt and not like that of Herbert Hoover.
2:13 PM
Monday, November 10, 2014
He was compelled, by an expertise market imperative, to opine, almost immediately, what a particular item for scrutiny is.
His attributions, generally, aren't worth the scrap of paper they were written on.
His certificates 'flooded the market', bubbled, so to speak, the market, not that there wasn't, already, a surfeit of fraud.
His attributions, generally, aren't worth the scrap of paper they were written on.
His certificates 'flooded the market', bubbled, so to speak, the market, not that there wasn't, already, a surfeit of fraud.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Here, really, is where the rubber meets the road in his account of recent, 18th through 21st centuries, history.
Could, even, laissez faire, in its modern connotations as an unregulated system, ever, ever, have been an instrument of expansion, of merely one admittedly monopoly capitalistic Western civilization, against many others eager for such an innovation?
I think not.
Could, even, laissez faire, in its modern connotations as an unregulated system, ever, ever, have been an instrument of expansion, of merely one admittedly monopoly capitalistic Western civilization, against many others eager for such an innovation?
I think not.
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Surprise: there is a Cold War, everywhere, now.
Especially, also, Asia.
Actually, as I have said, there is a new world war, going on for several years now, under the radar.
Especially, also, Asia.
Actually, as I have said, there is a new world war, going on for several years now, under the radar.
Friday, November 7, 2014
See DK's current post.
Republicans might well have reasoned, within our warped system, why not, within severe limits of course, jam as many black, Republican, Clarence Thomas esq candidates up the Democrats' derriere as necessary?
It is not a new tactic.
Republicans might well have reasoned, within our warped system, why not, within severe limits of course, jam as many black, Republican, Clarence Thomas esq candidates up the Democrats' derriere as necessary?
It is not a new tactic.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
RE THE GOVERNING TRAP rather like the liquidity trap
Republicans are warned off governing.
This has almost always been the best advice within our system.
It was not designed so much for someone to govern as for several branches to spend a lot of time and expense not governing much.
This was because the founding fathers did not trust governors or governments much.
This has almost always been the best advice within our system.
It was not designed so much for someone to govern as for several branches to spend a lot of time and expense not governing much.
This was because the founding fathers did not trust governors or governments much.
Other civilizations have realized this.
Monday, November 3, 2014
This is exactly not the case.
They have known, all along, for decades really, what their objectives were, and where things have long been going re the web and the universalization of IT.
Many of their biggest clients, after all, for decades, have been large government agencies and their contractors, domestic and foreign, and MNCs who also knew the score.
They have known, all along, for decades really, what their objectives were, and where things have long been going re the web and the universalization of IT.
Many of their biggest clients, after all, for decades, have been large government agencies and their contractors, domestic and foreign, and MNCs who also knew the score.
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