Monday, January 6, 2025


 I want to make the argument that, in so jangled a history of historiography, there should be a pride of place, such as it might be, for the traditional discipline of philosophy, as a meta discipline,  regardless of how naarrowed and specialized as Clark asserts it has now become.

He cites Locke's under labourer theory of philosophy, ostensibly with approval, but ironically, for his own work here. 

This had been a passage quoted by Peter Winch in The Idea of a Social Science and its Relation to Philosophy.

Nevertheless, ultimately, there is less point in doing such a truly stellar job of clearing the ground, for natural  science, or for anything else, for that matter, in order to disclose a clearer and more accurate account of history warts and all, if there is not, somehow, some higher purpose or purposes to be served than admittedly doing very great critical and reconstuctive historiography.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

The New York Times will probably say New York the CIA and the FBI should have protected Malcolm X from the nation of Islam

 Shahbaz wants reparations for his death from them and you the taxpayer.

More woke than woke

Thursday, November 14, 2024

seems like we're still heading into a liberal globalist trade pax Mongolica with places like Ukraine in the Vanguard according to COP 29

I say this tongue in cheek, but they could be in so called peace by 2029, but it would be something like what some globalist trade economic historians honestly, and fondly, call a ' Pax Mongolica '. See Power And Plenty
Terms search this blog: Pax Mongolica, Mongolia

If you stop to compare slaughterers head-to-head it seems to me 

that by far the most successful have been the mongols.

The Chinese were also very successful.

Stalin probably comes in second or third.

Hitler's Nazis, distant fourth or fifth if you count the Normans and some of the Muslim's.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are getting ready to come for Vincent a.k.a. Ron PERLMAN

You don't want to watch!


L O L,


Tuesday, November 12, 2024

This was a classic Post someone removed my Barry blitt illustrative examples no matter these are my ideas really not his

Thursday, December 1, 2016


Dear Sir
You can send me a few of the throw aways!

I loved the Atlas Shrugged one.

Why not something re Dusty? I have done some where he is an Uncle Sam type figure, even hogtied, etc. Edit the scripts.

You could do Dusty Uncle Sam with a cowboy Uncle Sam type hat, remember the ten gallon hat with the rounded top that Hoss used to wear on Bonanza? It's still a cowboy hat.

I still wish you had done something with Trump, as say a Cyclops, towering above, and perhaps eating, or threatening to eat, Daumier size naked midgets Cruz and Rubio, raised high aloft, one in each hand, squirming kicking and beating the air.

Bannon, as Ulysses, could be lurking in the shadows.

You can give Cruz and Rubio little puti wings, a nice touch....  

all the best

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The challenge of interviewing Kamala Harris

 New York times today

This reminds me so much of prior posts, where Lisa LERER interviewed Kamala, and it did not go that well. 


same kind of story different day.