Saturday, October 24, 2015


Great article.

Two things I think might be mentioned, among others I am not well enough versed to address really at all.

A token Jewish homeland had been a small concession, mainly by the British, to try to keep the Russians in the war, in 1917. DK  mentions the mandate, in 1919.

 DK also mentions US Japan negotiations breaking down during WWII.

What most Americans do not know, it seems to me, is not only was Stalin justifiably concerned about a second front in Asia against Japan, but also that he was perfectly willing to enter into an agreement, the 1941 Pact with Japan, to, in effect, give Japan a free hand to the south in Asia against the Allies, but especially against the US, which although it had not yet entered the war as an ally, nevertheless was Japan's principle threat to expansion and domination in the Pacific. This Pact paved the way for Pearl Harbor and the Japanese destruction of the Pacific Fleet. 

There is no doubt that Stalin knew this at the time. Just as he was trying to send Hitler against the West, he then succeeded in sending Japan against them, and us.

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