Sunday, October 11, 2015


"There is an obvious, though unlikely, solution to the situation in the House: the election of a new Speaker by a coalition of moderate Republicans and Democrats, together with an agreement to keep funding the government at current levels, forget about Obamacare and immigration, and leave Planned Parenthood on its own.  That would be the equivalent of a Parliamentary National Government, such as Britain formed in each of the two world wars.  It would definitely isolate the anti-government revolutionaries, and it would also force some Republican presidential candidates, in all probability, to support the deal.  I do not expect it, but I I thought I would put it forward to introduce a ray of hope into perhaps the most hopeless American political moment that I have ever lived through in 68 years." DK

Wonderful forlorn suggestion.....

It seems to me that this horse left the proverbial barn, here, both ideologically and structurally, after 1776.

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