Saturday, December 18, 2010


Rufus Fears Famous Romans LECTURES.

See especially, re nowadays, The Younger Scipio,
and then particularly, The Gracchi.

They should really all be seen in sequence. See especially remarks of one of the Skeptic, tutors,
"we hold these truths to be self evident,...."

Re Rome, in the time of the Gracchi:
(Yes, I criticized Krugman's very essay, from which this (nevertheless quite good) passage comes:

"If you ask how it’s possible that a handful of bad actors can get their way so often, the answer has to be, wasn’t it ever thus? What we call civilization has usually been a form of kleptocracy, varying mainly in its efficiency (the Romans were no nicer than the barbarians, just more orderly). Yes, we’ve had a few generations of government somewhat of, by, for the people in some places — but that’s an outlier in the broader sweep of things."

But what's a little hypocrisy,
or klepticism for that matter,
or Skepticism, even,
among editorialists?
(They didn't have corporations back then, anyway.)

An alternative video reference, for the lecture-challenged, might be,
in memory of Blake Edwards,
The Pink Panther.

See, now, also David Kaiser's blog, post entitled "Two possibilities for 2011",
and my comment.

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