Thursday, December 30, 2010

the menu

Greenwise precooked leftover thin sliced turkey breast; thick sliced health food Canada smoked bacon slice(s) and a dribble of bacon oil (!); raw onion; and a mild Greek pepperoncini or three to taste; all sauteed briefly together stovetop.

This is the entree. (Others are having blander pollo arrosto fare.....)

Were I really hungry, I would drape a slice of raw Amish mozzarella (which we happen to have) over the turkey bacon melange,

a sort of ad hoc turkey Saltimbocca.

Seared garlic kale.

We would have field green salad, perhaps with feta.

06 Red Truck Organic California Zinfandel.

Hazelnut meringue cookies. (The egg whites leftover, from mayonnaise, etc.)

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