Sunday, December 5, 2010


The entire mainstream American government has also, most unfortunately, long been in

the Glob alization Trap.

Both parties have so long touted this panacea of free trade and Cobdenist pacification

(originally, long ago, 1950, in never never land, to fight Communism,
but transformed beyond recognition in the intervening decades),

that now that it is so obviously totally unwinding,

they really don't know what to do, where to run for cover,

except to blame the erstwhile partners in globalization crime,

most notably China, Japan, Korea, even India, will eventually come in for abuse, but also certain Middle East potentates, and others.

Even Russia, because it has bitten from the 'fruit of forbidden knowledge of freer trade', the original sin, is now to be tarred with the same brush of

'traitor to globalization'.

If the international Market State System 'system' somehow fails, it will be blamed on these erstwhile 'partners' not being willing, any longer,

to Glob alize enough for them.

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