Monday, July 10, 2017


My mother and aunt ran a fine chocolate shop, for about 20 years. It was really a hobby. They were not the successful types, but the quality was the best. They used Peter's Gibraltar, etc. That was a very good dipping chocolate for over here. They made molded chocolate roses, etc. Filled candies, etc. Variety boxes.
An old man, Francis, who used to make Mozart Kugels in a fine hotel in Austria, came in one day, about 20 years ago now, and explained to them how to make them. Soft almond pistachio paste marzipan center, hard, but crushed, almond butter croquant toffee ring, dark chocolate cognac robe. They made bourbon balls from scratch....
Anyway, seeing Rachel Lucas' post on Robin Ellis' site prompted me to mention it, in passing.

For those who are diabetic, my wife advises that erythritol is a good sugar substitute that does not affect blood sugar. Don't take my word for it, as I am not an internist or biochemist. You could make chocolates with that! You could even assemble ingredients for Mozart Kugels using erythritol rather than sugar!

For the diabetic home cook, you can simplify this Mozart Kugel idea, and get much the same effect: make small marzipan balls with erythritol, roll these in roasted almond and or pistacio butter, then roll this ball in pulverized roasted almonds. Dip these balls once or twice in a small sauce pan of barely melted very dark (almost no sugar) chocolate with a touch of brandy added.


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