Saturday, July 8, 2017


But American globalist educational institutions continue to tout this mantra.
Just a couple of examples that could be multiplied a thousand times:
Stetson University Magazine, Summer 2017, President's Welcome Message: "Global Citizenship":
'Global citizens are everywhere." 
'Global citizenship, in fact, is among our core values..."
Albion College, Spring Summer 2017: "What It Means To Serve Today":
'The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.' Gandhi

Someone once suggested to my brother in law, an environmentalist, about 25 years ago, that he go camp in the woods, not to help others at all really, except environmentally, but certainly to find himself.

He has been living in the woods, in a tent, ever since. He's what you might call: environ mental.

Many of them hate every government, especially their own, federal state and local. They don't live even in communes. They live alone.
In this sense, they are the closest thing to a true nihilist global citizen.

If everyone tried to do that, guess what you'd have?  Something like Hobbes' state of nature, but parasitic on modern civ for the necessities of brutish primitive heavily armed violent anarchic camp life: 'solitary, cruel, nasty, brutish, and short'. Hobbes

Let's just call my brother in law the archtypal citizen of Bobbitt's Market State. He goes for the cheapest food shelter transportation and fuel on his immediate micro local market, walking or biking distance. There are many like him.

Most traditional societies, everywhere, not just in the West, would have driven folks like them away with cudgels. That would serve them right. But we no longer have traditional societies.

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