Sunday, April 23, 2017


Ed Boyle says it all in his way. I especially liked his conclusion:

"I believe it is termed cultural maxism. Leading feminists here in Germany are becoming right wingers while others support islam and the right of women to wear full body chador/burkga, etc. The left, in its pursuit of fredom, is suppressing free speech(facebook) and using antifa mobs to attack politically opposing groups. This has come full circle. 'Normal' has become oppressed. In the 50s one told ethnic jokes to relieve emotional pressure betwen immigrant groups(italian, irish, etc.). This became in bad taste, then tabu. Dumb blonde jokes were normal, nowadays male pupils are heavily disadvantaged academically and professionally. Things are coming full circle. Oppressed groups are becoming oppressors. Ideology of logic (greek invention) is being replaced by group identity politics. As Greek society dissolved it became a chaotic fight between interest groups, city states and fell prey to foreign powers. Eventually the same occurred to Roman republic. In effect this is the leading wedge of a civil war which will leave The West open to conquest by whoever wishes. A black female lesbian jewish or muslim disabled president is a sort of joke of the average white guy. Assimilation, not integration is the only long term solution. I saw a film a couple days ago where a main character got married. He was obviously jewish and ceremony was so. Girl was not. 71% of non orthodox jews marry non jews in USA. Blacks also increasingly where they are more in contact with whites(effective segregation in older urban centres of east, midwest prevent contact for example except when they go to colege, facilitating cultural marxist theory.) My wife and I each have two ethnic, religious backgrounds which were traditionally enemies, my kids have four with 3 languages fluency(irish died out). I work now, since the economic crisis, in janitorial, mostly with foreign, muslim, black, asian people and have become much more practical, flexible, open to non european, non christian peoples. Contact, friendship between individuals, not ghettoization, confrontation is the only way forward. However we see in France for example a similarity in living condtions of blacks/muslims to USA ghettoization of blacks. This can only lead, in economic crisis times to lines of extremist opinion and civil war, genocide, ethnic cleansing. USA has divided itself voluntarily ideologically, sorted out. This enables civil war as well. The West will be easy pickings for unified Chinese or Russian nationalist cultures." EB

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