Monday, July 23, 2012

re blob globalization and MNC spread across nation state boundaries THE WORLD IS FLAT NOT

Think about MNCs as vast globular appendages, once part of distinct nation states, but long since seeping into all other nation states. 

It is really more complex than my images for globalization blobbalization. Think of MNCs as originally parts of these circles, but they spread into all other national geographic boundaries:

Vernon discussed it, the 'spread' of MNCs,  at the outset of Sovereignty At Bay, p 5. 

"....They sprawl across national boundaries...."

The very size and number of such entities was only made possible by weak and fragmented neoliberal Western nation states. 

Although a relatively few natural resource firms had been very large, notably oil companies, 

the real heyday came only after WW II, with the loosening of controls.

The world is our oyster; when in Rome do as the Romans.

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