Monday, June 28, 2010


That’s laissez faire. It translates ‘let do’. For me, it means, remember the old Cole Porter song, “Anything Goes”!

Foreign subs hurt people like me, ‘til we figured a way to get around them, to Taiwan. (I am going to call foreign subsidies, subsidies to foreigners, “subs”. You figure out what it means. I try to keep the yacht clear of them.)

Although the Constitution had split authority over trade, the presidency railroaded it. Don’t get me wrong, I liked most presidents, even democrats, but they all screwed you and me on trade.

Also important were domestic and foreign breaks to foreigners, and price hikes there in favor of my customers here. Customers here were always told consuming and lower prices are good. Try to tell workers that lower wages are good too. (In America customers and workers wear different hats.)

Americans have long been told: consume, import, and borrow more. I used to love that! I didn’t buy it, but my customers sure did. That’s called ‘consumerism’!

Smarter Cold War ‘partner’ regimes, like Japan, England, Canada, and Germany, cut deals with the big boys for our market share, kept theirs closed, and required their folks to produce, innovate, export, and save more.

That’s ‘producerism’ I guess. Which would you be?

As their prices and wages went up, our prices and wages went down, still going down, going down forever.

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