Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thurston Macaire page 4

The limeys had pushed so-called free trade, which meant open access for their goods, and for raw materials to flow to them from everywhere.

They had plenty of high sounding reasons, even identifying freer trade with human rights, the reverse of how it was at the time of the founding, or the Civil War.

Urban decline was worsened by local laws, busing, and race riots.

Many Americans now believe free trade naturally brings peace, even human rights.

Yet, they think free trade helped ‘win’ the Cold War.

Now, I’m not that smart, just a wily old chiseler, but I had a thought: if freer trade brings peace, how did it help win a war?

If I have competitors, I want to take their share of a market, by hook or crook, before they take mine! Not offer to share it!

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