Saturday, December 9, 2017


"Men, few will be surprised to learn, are very concerned about the size of their penises, and often wonder how they might be increased. 
"Straight women, on the other hand, are much more likely to complain about excessively large penises than excessively small ones. 
"Women’s concerns about their appearance, on the other hand, have shifted.  The posterior has replaced the breasts as the main source of anxiety during the last decade, and women are more likely to worry that their rear end isn’t big enough." DK
Given these apparent statistical conclusions, could womens' complaints about penis size be connected, somehow, to their concerns about the small size of their posteriors, or not?

Correspondingly, how to square male concern with penis size with findings on its lack of use, large or small?

"Relatively few people seem to ask google why their partners want so much sex; instead, they (and especially women) often ask why their partner seems to want so little." DK

I am certain that my thoughtful readers can help with all of this social scientific data and inference.

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