Friday, October 6, 2017


After betraying and abandoning Eastern Europe itself, your own cultural heartland, to the Rooskies;
and totally screwing the West's Great Power Empires, England and France, all over the world;
why the fuck would you then go into Southeast Asia, first Korea, that bitch of an appendage, and then Vietnam, with serious military force, for any reason, any reason whatsoever?
It is a tale told by an idiot.

They were supposedly so worried about the so called spread of Communism, back then....

They had just given all, all, of Eastern Europe to the Communist Rooskies, without lifting a goddamned finger to stop them;

with people like Patton, with an enormous army, on the spot, having begged them to do something.

Eisenhower, baby. And people like him, FDR (dying), Marshall, White, Morgenthau, Donovan, in high places.

you can quote me, nom de plume: " Boomerbuster "

Postscript: Having read Elinor Garst's comment (below), this post, though it might differ very much from her own views, is dedicated to her and to those like her.

I have been a history student all of my life. Have recorded the latest Ken Burns but have not yet watched it. I do follow your posts and agree with you most of the time. I am now 84 and have lived through these events. My heart has been broken many times by the loss of friends and relatives to these senseless events and inept leadership. My spouse for 60 years was a combat Marine in Korea who vomited at the smell of Oriental food because it brought back smells of rotting bodies. We weren't aware of the term PTSD. He couldn't get it out of his mind so he ended it with a bullet to his head. It keeps happening over and over again. How can we even think about another war in SE Asia! What did we gain other than the title of World Aggressor? Our leaders today either do not remember history or just don't care, but I have 2 young grandsons,,,and I care! I know this is not the scholarly input you usually get but I want to be heard!! Thank you for your truths.

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