Sunday, February 19, 2017


This is one of the vexed questions facing all people, especially in the West, now.
Its roots go back several hundred years at least.

America got rid of most of its nationalist, and globalist, socialists, by attrition, over many decades. We never had much of a nationalist socialist trade union presence, such as that of Britain. Our so called left now actually plays a very small role in politics here, in spite of Sanders' candidacy, since they have almost no national industrial material employment base from which to operate any more.
Liberals are mostly globalist, not very nationalistic, not particularly Western Civilization oriented, not especially committed to any particular state, city, country, or Western Civilization itself. They often think of themselves now as proto citizens of the world.
Most Americans, but not all, by any means, who think of themselves as conservatives, are also somewhat nationalistic, lately.
These people are usually characterized, especially by so called liberals, from whom they may be distinguished, as populists, usually of limited means, which is a code word among liberals for nationalist fascism.
But some other conservatives, who are usually not also nationalists, and who are often wealthy to very wealthy, are globalists, in contradistinction from being nationalist populist, conservatives.
They are conservative globalists, also on the so called right, and that means that they believe that both individuals and private entities, usually corporations, should be able to do whatever they want, anywhere. They believe in having a government, but with limited control over their activities.
There are also conservative civil libertarians who can be conservative globalists, but there are other conservative civil libertarians who are more a species of anarchist, and are not globalists. They believe in no government anywhere, not just limited government here and there.
Maybe I will augment this account anon.

I know this seemingly repetitive terminological rat's nest is hard to follow. It was a little hard to write, but these crazy distinctions, and relations seem to me to characterize what we now have.

They are generally globalists of one stripe or another; or nationalists of one stripe or another, often somewhat overlapping; or anarchists, and even these may be globalists as has happened in history, as well as nativists (nationalists here  is the wrong word, for them).

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