Friday, August 24, 2012

if David Brooks and Thomas Friedman are right about it having been a meritocracy here since WW II

see prior posts here, and their recent nyt articles,

high professional credentials, (' Rand ian ? ') superlative individuals, entrepreneurs, average is over for CEOs, technicians, specialists, symbolic analysts, gurus, etc.,

then how can Timothy Egan, nyt, 

also be right?, 

about the Republican Crackpot Caucus, apparently

making even medieval folks look bright by comparison?

Call it the bozo ization of NYT punditry.

I recommend a hard dose of The Credential Society

Also The Global Class War, especially talk about The Party of Davos.

Many CEOS get hired to run companies in industries they know nothing about. Their executive skills are represented to be fungible across virtually any field or industry.  There are literally countless examples over many decades now.

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