Thursday, January 20, 2011


There are I am sure as many views of the significance of this development as there are distinct thinkers around the glob.

I tend to see it, down the road a little way, perhaps as a powerful tool to be coopted, or transformed; 

starts out what appears to be private, Mark Zuckerberg, individualistic, enter preener, laissez faire, rail to rail, Maverick Executive, Casanova hand, enterprise (terms search these); 

then may turn, some day soon, in the direction of 1984, BIG BROTHER, pops out, back to the future. 

Perhaps that is why certain 'illiberal' regimes have taken a ravenous interest in it. 

One cannot help but think of some implications, from the old Soviet regime especially, described in Arendt's Origins and elsewhere, or for newer ones of similar scope.

Volunteer Facebook Guppies are legion. What are their views and who are their friends, enemies, or merely acquaintances, and why might that some day seem to matter, not just for 'marketing', etc.; facebook tells most all of it, and more. 

At least my blog site is mostly 'mine', with limited references to known others.

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