Sunday, August 7, 2016


This can be seen in part by inconsistencies within, and transformations of, the Rhodes Trust, and then of the Milner Group. 

We have been living in a post Milner Group world, really, since WWII.

What were the Rhodes Trust ideas, and later Milner Group ideas, that were inconsistent? 

They involved believing on the one hand that the British Empire, Western Imperialism, and Western Civilization generally, were good things, and were the highest expression of Enlightenment ideology.  

On the other hand, they involved believing that Enlightenment values of liberty, equality, and fraternity, for the governing of subject nations, races, and civilizations by the West, and for their eventual equality with Western Civilization and its citizens, was a good thing.

There are two important points I would make about this discussion:

1. You will find this discussion virtually no where else than in Quigley's book.

2. Even Quigley does not make this point which I am making, directly, himself, but rather one has to infer it from studying his text as a whole.

One other most important point I should make, for discussions to follow presently.

One gets the impression, from how The Anglo-American Establishment ends, that the influence and power of the system that had been set up by the Milner Group had been shown by the disaster of WWII, following on that of WWI, to have been totally overturned by events, and that all that was left of Milner Group on world events going forward after WWII were the Rhodes Scholarships and bad memories.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

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