Saturday, September 12, 2015


"For a wide variety of reasons, which I cannot possibly take up today, it is less likely than at any time in my lifetime that either the government or the public could achieve a real strategic grasp of these problems."

Great sentence. Everyone who reads it, and stops to think in their whatever fashion, now may, or may not, think to ask, what reasons? 

Kettle of worms really. Hard to answer that. 

Whatever the reasons are, what are the solutions?

Here are some of the traditional candidates:

Make the www freer, and more open, (liberal international technological order) than we already blunderingly have?  Not really....

Beef up NATO even more? Not really....

More Ridenour prizes? Not really..

More journalism as usual please? Not really.....

A little more McNeill Lehrerism? Not really....

More Fox News ism? Not really...

More Rush? Not really.....

Party reforms? Not really...

More congressional committees? Not really... 

More presidential Committees? Not really...

Less government generally? Not really....

More government generally? Not really...

More trickle down economics? Not really...

More trickle out economics? Not really...

More free trade please (Terms search Brooks) ? Not really...

More globalization? (What about, then, a regional union, say bond politically with China in a 'PU' Pacific Union? Not really...

More American educational system? Not really...

How about credential pyramiding, say post post doctoralism?  Not really...

Why not let MNCS, especially the big defense finance and technology ones, dictate strategy? What do you think?

Turn the government over to actors, even very famous ones?
Not really......

How about not only universal suffrage, from age, say, 14, they're precocious, but direct democracy for all of them, on every political issue state, local, international, and federal? Not really.......

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