Sunday, October 20, 2013


Why would anyone in their right mind want to start a run on the dollar?

After all, everyone who is anyone has a lot of them.

Let's start by asking a few other kinds of questions, sort of suss this thing out, so to speak.

Who could engineer such a thing? Why?

Let's reflect on recent remarks re de Americanizing the world.

How would you do that, would you say?

How would you de Americanize the world?

Answer, de dollarize it. For a start?

Actually, that's the endgame.

One had to start out, as the Japanese, especially, did, and de industrialize it, hollow it out.

That process has continued with Asian and Mexican, production, the Chinese eventually taking production away from Mexico, neutering to some extent NAFTA, in a dog eat dog, dog eat cat, production world.

Only in that way could one set the stage, so to speak, in Asia, for de dollarizing it.

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